Apologies to all my church members and fans who’re disappointed in me – Ofori Amponsah

Ofori Amponsah Ministry Ofori Amponsah

Thu, 22 Mar 2018 Source: ghbase.com

Somewhere 2012, Highlife musician Ofori Amponsah announced that he had been called by God into His vineyard as an evangelist and prophet, and vowed not to do secular music again.

He composed a few gospel songs which did not receive enough attention.

In the process, he established his own church named, “Family of Faith & Love.” However, after doing God’s work for five years he made U-turn to secular music which got him a lot of backlashes from the public.

In a recent interview with Deloris Frimpong Manso of ‘The Delay Show’, he explained that his decision to found “Family of Faith & Love Ministries” was a miscalculation. To him, even though he was called by God to do his work, his calling is not to be a pastor, a reason he went back to secular music.

“I can say God did not call me to be a pastor; maybe for something else,” he said.

Therefore, he apologised to his fans and loved ones who may have been disappointed in his actions during his ‘u-turn’ from gospel music during the interview session with Delay.

“I’ll take this opportunity to apologise to those that I’ve disappointed in one way or the other as a result of my career switch. Especially diehard fans of Ofori Amponsah who feel more disappointed. I heard that some women in Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire cried after hearing news about my U-turn into the profane world. In short I’m asking for their forgiveness”, Ofori Amponsah apologised.

Source: ghbase.com