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Are Ghana Celebrities Above The Law?

Tue, 2 Aug 2011 Source: Samuel Baah/Flex Newspaper

Many are the celebrities in Ghana who have fallen in one trouble or the other but it seems our authorities cannot put a stop to their acts and activities. Or do they want us to believe that, they will only arrest the ones in connection to drugs and wee smoking?

It is believed world wide that celebrities possess some advantages and influence that can even affect political decisions. It is therefore not surprising that some politicians prefer to work with people in the arts and showbiz industry. Being the role models they are believed to be, people in society expect them to lead a life worth emulating by younger and old folks alike. The table always turns with sad faces when these people refuse to behave as such. Come to Ghana and some celebrities have made themselves semi-gods who want to be served and worshiped by all and sundry, including higher authorities.

For writers who have been following the international entertainment world, we have read countless reports and stories about international stars who have been sentenced to prison for some wrong things they did whiles their career was at peak. 50 Cent, Lil Wayne and many more have served minimum prison terms for one wrong thing or the other they have done. Over here in Ghana, a showbiz personality does something which needs to be frowned upon by society and some people in higher places will cover it up.

Former Lynx Entertainment artiste Asem was reported to have allegedly drugged and raped a fifteen (15) year-old senior high school student called Queenie, which was widely spread in the entertainment media circles. When the case was in its peak, Asem and his management refused to comment on the allegation on radio no matter how they were coaxed to do that. Flex newspaper only remembers a text message they sent round that they want to pursue the case in a serious legal process.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the case was reported at the Ministry`s Police station for investigations to begin and indeed the police officers started in earnest. Flex newspaper`s editor and the writer of the story were called to write their statement on the case and they did without hesitation.

Even Flex newspaper was ordered to provide the young girl in question and we did that too without any delay. The case became a little dicey when the officer in charge asked us to provide the birth certificate of Queenie which we could not provide. Until then, nothing has been heard from the police CID investigating the case.

In a recent chat with an entertainment show producer concerning the case, he revealed to this paper that he has called the police station to get to know the latest on the case but the report he had was nothing to write home about. He told Flex in a chat that the people he spoke with could not even remember the case he was referring to, therefore he could not do anything in relation to that story.

This is how sad the case seems to be ending with some one going away free for a crime he might have committed. Now Flex newspaper is asking whether our celebrities are beyond reprimand or punishment by state authorities. King David was reported last week by NewsOne newspaper for also attacking a police officer on duty. How far will the Mzbel case go to in the face of constant adjournments: only time will tell whether celebrities are above the law in Ghana.

Source: Samuel Baah/Flex Newspaper