Big Brother Stargame Update: DKB replaces himself with Lady May for eviction

Mon, 21 May 2012 Source: Ameyaw Debrah

Head of House in Upville, DKB who received 3 nominations earlier in the day to face a possible eviction on Sunday, has saved himself from the knife and sacrificed Lady May. DKB made the switch after he was called into the Diary Room to save one of the top three nominated housemates, which included himself, Mampi and Maneta, and replace him/her with another housemate of his choice.

Before going into the Dairy Room, the comedian asked any of the housemates that felt he or she was strong enough to survive eviction to offer himself or herself for the switch. No one obliged to his offer, instead Prezzo shouted that since DKB is a popular comedian perhaps he could put himself on the chopping block. DKB replied, “This is serious business…” before going into the room to save himself.

This means that the housemates up for a possible eviction on Sunday are Lady May, Mampi and Maneta

Source: Ameyaw Debrah