Bridget Otoo flaunts her boobs in new photos to celebrate her birthday

 Bridget Otoo Birthday Photos.png Media personality, Bridget Otoo

Thu, 31 Dec 2020 Source:

Broadcast journalist, Bridget Otoo, has used the occasion of her birthday to flaunt her boobs in new photos and we guess her followers are smacking their lips in the list already.

The outspoken media personality, who recently revealed her affiliation to the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) looks stunning in her blue jumpsuit with her distinctive boobs making a huge statement.

Bridget Otoo splashed the stunning birthday photos on Instagram and wrote;

“‘Bee, “Be grateful for life, be grateful to life. Be gleeful every day, for being the best Be, be boundless energy Be no one except I, Be food for thought to the growin mind, be the author of your own horoscope. Be a proud run, only to return to fight another day. Be peaceful if possible, but justice at any rate. Be high when you low, Be found among the truth, Be at full strength when walking through the valley #Common” #BeeDay 31/12?.

See her post on her Instagram page below:

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