Brother Sammy explains why many Christian women experience delayed marriages

Brother Sammy6.png Broda Sammy

Mon, 23 Sep 2024 Source:

Gospel musician Broda Sammy has opened up about why the marriages of Christian women have recently been delayed.

According to him, most of these Christian women are uptight and not open-minded, hence the delay in their marriages.

Broda Sammy is of the view that, as a Christian woman, you should ensure you look good at all times because being a Christian does not equate to looking just anyhow.

He kicked against the constant wearing of a scarf on the head, saying, "The scarf will leave your hair smelling so bad that no man will want you. I am not saying don't wear a scarf, but you can do that when praying.

"When you are done, you can remove it so that air passes through your hair as a Christian woman. If you keep your scarf on and your hair smells, no one will want you around them, and that is why the marriages of women who are deep into Christianity take long."
