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Choose Life Ghana readies for 'Brave Not Broken' symposium on Friday

Choose Life Eric The event will kick of at exactly 9am

Tue, 7 May 2019 Source: Stephen Nana Asare

Choose Life Ghana is an organization established in Ghana , with a prime objective of tackling suicide related issues.

Addressing such issues through a talk , Short films on suicide and social networking, Choose Life Ghana in partnership with the National Services Personnel Association on Friday 10th May , 2019 commence another edition of it's annual symposium and this year, it's dubbed "BRAVE NOT BROKEN" , At R.S Amegashie Auditorium*(University of Ghana, Business School).

Categorising the event into five(5) solid segments, the event will kick of at exactly 9am with Drama & Film Premiere followed by Lecture & Presentation , Share to Inspire , an opportunity for Questions & Answers , Social Clinic and many other other activities.

Hon. Lydia Seyram Alhassan , John Dumelo , Angela Larko Djabatey(President G/A Of Naspa) , Ecow Smith Asante , Fumey Kafui Dorcas ( Founder Choose life Ghana) , Gloria Sarfo (Actress) , Aku Sikah (Actress) amongst other dignitaries will grace the occasion.

The Event is absolutely free for all. Kindly visit Choose Life Ghana social media pages for more updates.

@chooselifeghana on all social media pages.

Source: Stephen Nana Asare