Christabel Ekeh goes into hiding after release of her naked pictures

Ekeh Hide Actress Christabel Ekeh posted nude photos of herself on her Instagram page

Sat, 15 Jul 2017 Source:

President of the Actors Guild of Ghana, Sammy Fiscan has said the association have tried but failed to reach actress Christabel Ekeh and her family.

According to him, the Association has the number of the actress’ mother but they have tried severally but cannot reach her. He added that the only other individual who can be reached to help the association to contact Christabel cannot be reached.

Sammy Fiscan who spoke to Accra-based Joy FM said: “We’ve been trying to reach her without success. The contact we had which was supposed to be for mother and we haven’t been able to get through to her. We seem to have hit a wall”.

Actress Christabel Ekeh posted nude photos of herself on her Instagram page. Her act raised eyebrows with people suspecting that her account had been hacked. However, the actress came to confirm that she posted those nude pictures indicating that it represented the “new” Christabel Ekeh.

Sammy indicated that the Association suspects Christabel is unstable.

He said “We are of the view that she is challenged mentally and so if we are able to get through to any of the family members especially the mother, we would be in a better position to do see what we could do”.
