Clean up Tuutulapato's lyrics

Tuutulapato Kid

Sun, 24 Aug 2014 Source: Flex Newspaper

Perhaps, I have written more about kid rapper Cosmos Boako aka Tuutulapato than any arts writer in Ghana. It got to a time when his issues of going to UK and staying with the parents in Breman Asikuma reached a stalemate, and nobody was interested in talking or writing about him apart from me.

I remember I had a lot of calls from people asking if I was the father or the manager of the young boy. Some even called to simply ask: “please, can I speak to Tuutu? Please, is Tuutulapato at home?” It is good news he is back in school, and now TV3 has decided to fulfill their promise of taking him to the UK.

Again, I was one of the first (if not the first presenter) to have had his song God is my Saviour ft. Kwame Yoghurt and when I listened critically, even though he did well by way of delivery on the song, I thought some of the words he used were unbecoming for a minor of his kind.

Recently, I heard another one from him called Small Boy Danger ft. Empra Amslin and I was shocked to have heard some expletives in that song as well. And that doesn't augur well for him at his age. Things we say have a tendency of influencing what we do.

Especially as a minor, it is very dangerous to expose him to some of these filthy and obscene words. I know Tuutulapato doesn't write his lyrics. When Buffalo handled him, he wrote most of the songs for him. This time, I am sure other people have come on board to help him with the composition.

My advice to those who help him in his compositions is that they should not fix those strong words in his songs.

Most children take inspiration from Tuutulapato, and one can imagine what impact such profane words could have on other children like him who may think it is right to use those words by hearing them from another minor like them.

I have said this before, and I would continue to say it; care must be taken not to expose Tuutulapato to other vices that characterize the Hiplife or Hip-hop culture.

Once they have started introducing him to the obscene words, he may soon be introduced to other things.

I will be sad if Tuutulapato is influenced by the adult musicians around him to start using drugs, chasing after women and engaging in all manner of filthy acts.

If care is not taken, he will start doing these things at a tender age. Stories abound from secular–turned gospel musicians about the kind of lives most of these secular musicians live and what they do.

I am not saying gospel musicians don't stray or sin, but the vices mentioned above are prevalent among the secular musicians than the gospel ones.

Let Tuutulapato's coaches in their bid to make him sell in his career, not nurture him with those 'adult – words.' He can still stay clean and make it.

Listen to Tuutulapato's latest:

Source: Flex Newspaper