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DJ Switch lesbian comment: Doctor-joker OB Amponsah finally apologizes

Ob Amponsah White OB Amponsah

Thu, 1 Jun 2017 Source: ghanafuo.com

Comedian OB Amponsah had the bashing of his life when he in a post said Ghanaians should look for a boyfriend for young female Dj, Dj Switch to prevent the kid from been a lesbian after she put up a sterling performance at the this year's Ghana meets show.

His post did not sit down well with Ghanaians who though he should have known better. Like expected of Ghanaians, insults were rained while others also belittled his career in comedy.

OB went into hiding from social media but has come out from his hole after soberly reflecting on that damning post.

He has indicated that he is still growing in the career and in the future will be circumspect with his posts on any social media platform.

Read His Full Statement Here

Thank God for a new month. The latter days of last month, MAY, may have been the most challenging for me. I have been bludgeoned and smothered by a plethora of career threatening comments, Charlie.

After taking some days off to reminisce, I arrived at the conclusion that, just like the tale of the scorpion and the frog (where the scorpion begged the frog to help him cross the river, but kept stinging him all the way through), we are in this together. I come as a whole package, and I pray you accept me for both my highs and lows.

I cannot guarantee not hurting your feelings in one way or another, I cannot. It comes with the job of a comic.

In fact, George Carlin, arguably the greatest standup comedian to have lived, once said "It is the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately".

I may cross many lines through my posts or standup routines, but kindly take them for what they are; jokes. No hard feelings. Nothing personal. No ill intentions.

Thanks for all the correction, support, and criticisms whether healthy or head bashing insults (which can even kill person), I take them all in good faith.

Please keep them coming. I will do my best to be circumspect in future updates, I promise. I'm still learning this trade, or as some of you prefer to call it "I'm a struggling comedian" and I need you in this. Let's grow together.

To borrow the hashtag of one of my favorite people, Deputy Minister Kwame Rasta, I say #StillWeRise. Now, let's mourn a fallen hero. R. I. P. Captain Adams Mahama"

Source: ghanafuo.com
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