'A letter fromAdam' actor; I am ready for scandals


Tue, 14 Oct 2014 Source: News One

Louie Lartey, a Sociology graduate of the University of Ghana, is one of the new faces in Ghana’s movie industry with an enviable personality.

He was introduced onto the silver-screens this year in Lydia Forson’s newly produced movie, A Letter From Adam, in which he played a plumber.

His character caught the attention of movie fans who were at the movie’s premiere last month at the Silverbird Cinemas in Accra.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with NEWS-ONE’s Francis Addo, Louie says acting is a childhood dream and he won’t hesitate to jump on any future project if he finds the script interesting and a good team to work with.

He also said he was ready for scandals actors are faced with, noting that he has his way to deal with it.

Your character in A Letter From Adam (ALFA) is interesting. People kept asking, ‘who is he’?

Louie is a young adventurous businessman who has a passion for acting and success in life.

How did you get to be part of ALFA?

Lydia and I go way back, and she always knew my passion for acting. So she called me up one day and said she had a part in her new movie she was producing, which she wanted me to play, and I jumped right on it.

Did you think she was just pulling your legs when she called?

Not at all. I hadn’t heard from her in a while so when she hit me up, I could tell her level of seriousness. She is passionate about what she does, and it translated in the conversation we had.

What character did you play in the movie, for the benefit of those who are yet to see it?

I played the plumber…can’t reveal too much, or I will mess it up for those yet to see LOL; man of many purposes.

What was your experience on set? Were there some panic moments?

Well, as a new actor there will always be that element of tension but with a great team like we had, you will end up feeling comfortable; hence bringing the best performance out of you.

You will end up living in your acting and not acting in your living.

Did you have expectations for the role, and how would you describe the final performance on the screens now?

Well, the only thing I expected was to be very tense, but that was scratched as soon as I got on set, and the final performance came out better than I actually envisaged…The crowd laughed at my scenes, so I guess that was a good sign.

Are you motivated to continue acting?

Yeah, with a good script and the right cast and team, I don’t see why not.

It sounds like there are some actors you will never act with?

Well, no. I didn’t mean it like that. It is always good to give new people a shot to discover new talent.

But at the same time, you want the right team to work with to bring the best out of you as a beginner.

But are there any persons in the acting business that you admire?

Yeah, there are quite a number of them. Locally, I like Lydia; not because of our friendship but her talent and passion.

John Dumelo, Chris Attoh, Jackie Appiah. Yeah, if I were to go through the list, I would keep you here for a while LOL.

I’d keep you here for a year LOL.

Any other actors from the outside world?

Yeah, Will Smith tops the lot. Di Caprio, Denzel Washington, Jennifer Anniston, Wale, Forest Whitaker…should I go on? LOL Oh yeah and my personal favourite…Louie Lartey LOL.

Where are you from?

I’m from Gbese Manhia; a refined Ga man.

Which schools did you attend?

North Ridge Lyceum for junior high, Presec for senior high school and the University of Ghana, where I met our gifted producer.

What did you read at the University?

I studied English, Sociology and French, majoring in Sociology.

Currently what do you do, occupation wise, aside your new profession?

I run a security hardware installation and real estate brokerage business…shortly put, I’m a watchman who sells houses.

Are you married?

No, I’m not married.

What were your childhood ambitions?

When I was a kid, like any other, I had a million and one thing I wanted to become LOL. But passionately I wanted to become a lawyer…then there was an astronaut…down the line, there was an architect too somewhere.

I always imagined acting as well. I used to stand in front of the mirror and act out scenes after movies I enjoyed.

The industry is full of scandals, are you ready for it; and how do you intend to stay off scandals?

I don’t think you can 100 percent avoid them. Even when you try people still cook stuff up; so the best thing to do is to tune my mind that scandalous rumours could arise about me but just bite the bullet and let everyone get to know my personality.

Knowing me will surely nullify any scandalous rumours that could arise …trust me, I know myself.

Thanks for your time.

Source: News One