Dear GhanaWeb: My father supports sex before marriage

Couple Rebound Love File photo of a confused lady

Tue, 20 Feb 2024 Source:

Dear GhanaWeb,

The Bible frowns on sex before marriage and this can be found in I Corinthians 7:19 which says “But if they do not have self-control, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion”.

The issue of whether Christians should opt for sex before marriage or sex after marriage is at loose ends and this is because people come up with arguments to justify their claims.

The people who believe in sex before marriage seem to raise good points because as a man or a woman, you need to know enough information about your partner to avoid any future ordeals.

My father is in support of sex before marriage due to the culture we have concerning marriage in our family.

The tradition is that if one is ready for marriage, he or she has to give birth to two children before they can go ahead to plan a wedding.

I’m the eldest of three sisters and very religious. I am due to get married but I do not want to go through that because I abide by the rules set in the Bible but not an undocumented rule.

My father insists I do that but I do not want to.

My sister who comes after me is also ready to get married and ready to go by the said culture.

Given that I am the eldest daughter, I have to get married before the rest can follow and my delay is making my sisters hate me. They see my act to be selfish and denying my sister the opportunity to start a family.

Am I truly being selfish?

I just want my father to let me do things the way I see fit.

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