Dear GhanaWeb: My girlfriend passes gas anytime we have sex

Couple Silent Treatment File photo

Tue, 12 Mar 2024 Source:

Dear GhanaWeb,

I was watching Confession on TV3, and for that episode, a lady narrated how she’s been unable to engage in sexual intimacy with her husband because anytime he ejaculates, he poops.

I’m dating this beautiful lady, and our relationship is still fresh. We were so attracted to each other that we decided to hold on to sex for 5 months.

In the fifth month, we had sex. Everything was going on as planned until I heard her pass gas while I was in her.

I assumed it was unintentional, but anytime we had sex, it happened.

One day, she did that, and I stopped whatever I was doing and had to lie to her that I was not feeling well.

The thing actually turns me off, and since that time, I haven’t been able to sleep with her. We engage in foul play, but when it’s leading to sex, I stop.

In the discussion on the show, a health practitioner explained that it was a natural act, and people even do worse than that.

I understand, though, but I do not know how to come to terms with that.

What do I do?

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