Dear GhanaWeb: My husband has retired from sex

Couple No Sex File photo of a couple in bed

Fri, 9 Feb 2024 Source:

Dear GhanaWeb,

My husband has stopped having sex with me. According to him, he has retired from performing his bedroom duties.

We have been married for 16 years, and blessed with four children.

His restrain from night duties began after I gave birth to our fourth child. We came up with the idea that we would have sex when our babies were a year old.

My fourth child turned 1 and was expecting to resume sex with my husband. I had prepared well that night so a no wasn’t part of my listed plans.

We both were on the bed and was expecting my husband to touch me. I waited for two hours but nothing, hence, I made the attempt.

He quickly turned and told me he was tired so we should do it in the morning. The next day, I started fondling him and he asked me to stop.

He has been rejecting me for months. I once forced myself on him and that made him stop sleeping in our bedroom.

For a year and six months, I hadn’t had sex and didn’t know if I had done something wrong.

For a very long time, he came to sleep in the bedroom and that is when he told me he had retired from sexual activities.

I thought he was joking but his actions proved that he wasn’t.

How does he expect me to live the rest of my life on earth without sex when I am just 38 years old?

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