File photo of a sad young man and woman
Dear GhanaWeb,
I have been married for almost 12 years, and throughout our marriage, I have never cheated on my wife. I love her deeply, and she has made it easy to love her. She is every man’s dream, beautiful, smart, fair-skinned, tall, and a fantastic cook. We are blessed with four wonderful children, and financially, I’m doing okay as well.
Recently, something happened that I’m struggling with. I attended a training/exam, and during the event, I met a lady. We struck up a friendly conversation, exchanged contacts, and began chatting afterward. At some point, I asked her if she was married, and she confirmed that she was. However, she didn’t ask me the same question in return.
We continued talking, but I began noticing that we were becoming too close. I brought it up with her several times, asking, "What are we?" She always responded that we were just friends, yet our conversations often included flirtatious and romantic comments.
She started calling me regularly, checking in on me frequently, and we kept talking this way for about five months. A few weeks ago, she called me upset, and when I asked what the problem was, she told me that she had shown my picture to a friend. The friend allegedly pointed out that I was married with kids. I confirmed that it was true, I am married and have children but I never denied it.
After that, she began yelling at me, accusing me of using her and leading her on. She said she would never forgive me.
I was shocked because I never hid the fact that I was married, and she never directly asked me about it. Also, we were just friends, and her reaction seemed overly jealous, almost as if I were her boyfriend.
Since then, she has been threatening me, calling me non-stop, and I’m unsure how to handle the situation. I want to know if I’ve done something wrong, and what I should do to stop the constant calls and threats.
Also, watch videos from the 2024 general election below: