Dear GhanaWeb: My wife has become a sex addict, I’m worried - Part II

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Wed, 29 Nov 2023 Source:

Dear GhanaWeb,

I shared a story on your platform concerning my wife, who loves to have sex more than anything in this world. I got a lot of responses from the readers and several of them proposed that I divorce her.

My wife and I are part of each other’s success story. We started dating when we had nothing. We went through thick and thin together. We’ve both suffered, and I don’t think I would want to divorce her because of that.

One of the readers suggested I speak to her to find out why she’s so into sex, hence I did that.

The mistake we both made was not talking about our past relationship before getting married. I think it’s important for people to address that in every relationship so they get to know the people they wish to spend life with.

I spoke to my wife and told her I do not like the way she’s too enthusiastic about sex.

According to her, when she was 15 years, she was raped by five men, an incident she spoke to no one about it. She continued that although she cried after the unfortunate incident, she did enjoy it. That’s why she can have sex and would want to go in for more.

She also said it affected her previous relationships and most of the men left because they couldn’t handle the pressure. I felt goosebumps rise on my arms as she was telling the story.

The above explanation is the root of the addiction and we have taken a step to curb it by going for counselling.

What other ways do you suggest, please?

Dear GhanaWeb is a relationship and lifestyle advice column by GhanaWeb where the GhanaWeb audience responds to your questions and problems about relationships at home, work, and beyond. Share yours with GhanaWeb


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