Dear GhanaWeb: My wife’s sister is very touchy, it makes me uncomfortable

98450184 File photo of a concerned man

Tue, 20 Dec 2022 Source:

Dear GhanaWeb,

I'm in my fifties, and my wife is a few years older. Her older sister, who is on her third marriage, and is known in my wife's family for being incredibly flirty and cunning lives far away from us and comes to see us around three or four times a year.

Until I married my wife, my sister-in-law never showed any remarkable interest in me. But after that, each time she came over, she would single me out for compliments, calling me "cute," and attempting to get close to me.

For instance, "Your hair is lovely. Let me fix it. The next step was for her to wrap one arm around my shoulders, approach me, and wrap both of her arms around my neck while facing me. I never encouraged her or responded favourably to her.

Every day it becomes worse, and while I attempt to stop her, she acts as if nothing is wrong and I am being too dramatic.

What will I do?

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