Dear GhanaWeb: The rich man and the ‘things will get better in the future’ man, who should I marry?

36858928 A woman contemplates who to choose as a her lifetime partner. File photo

Mon, 4 Sep 2023 Source:

Dear GhanaWeb,

We now find ourselves in a society where money is an influencing factor when it comes to marriage. I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth and growing up, I said to myself that I would marry into a rich family no matter what it took me.

I made that utterance because I didn’t want my children to go through the challenges I faced in my childhood years. But moving forward, I have come to understand that marriage is not all about the money but the peace it brings it also matters.

As said earlier, my parents are not rich but they have lived in peace and comfort throughout their 30 years of marriage.

I have met two men who are both willing to marry me. The other is extremely rich while the other guy is forced to also make it in life.

I have studied these two men for some time now and my heart is with the other guy who is working very hard to also make it in life. Anytime I am with him, I feel safe and the love he shows me, makes me feel like the only woman in the world. I know he is trying his best to provide a good future for both of us.

With Mr. Rich, I get all the expensive things but he is disrespectful, pompous, and doesn’t know how to love. To him, his definition of love is to get you expensive things and take you to expensive places and trips. You know, sometimes I fear that if I say yes to him, I am not going to have a happy marriage.

I am growing old too and my parents are pressuring me to get married. Mr. Rich is ready to take me to the altar soon but with the love of my life, I don’t know how many years it will take for him to get to the promised land.

Should I follow my childhood dreams and be in an unhappy marriage or wait for a peaceful and happy marriage from the other guy?

Dear GhanaWeb is a relationship and lifestyle advice column by GhanaWeb where the GhanaWeb audience responds to your questions and problems about relationships at home, work, and beyond. Share yours with GhanaWeb


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