Dear GhanaWeb: What has height got to do with love?

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Tue, 5 Dec 2023 Source:

Dear GhanaWeb,

I am a chartered accountant and a well-established man. Before my father passed on, he shared a word of advise on how to keep a good marriage.

According to him, if the man is hardworking and tries his best to provide for his family, her wife will never disrespect him.

Those words I have saved in my brain and that motivates me to work harder so my future family will not lack anything. But there’s one thing missing in my life which is love.

I sometimes do not get why some ladies would choose height over a good man.

Growing up, I was told short men mostly get the tall and curvy women to marry while the tall men get the cute ones. So, my first three girlfriends were fat and curvy but the relationships ended on a sad note because they had a problem with my height.

I took my shifted my interest to petite ladies who were just like me. I got a very cute lady and chale, she is so adorable that I’ve been fasting and praying for her to be mine.

She’s jovial too so when I told her my intentions to marry her someday, she laughed at me. She said she’s short and I’m also short therefore, we will give birth to “shortingos” so she can’t go into the future with me.

My short self comes with a handsome face, I told her but she insisted on not being my girlfriend.

Why are women like this and what is wrong with a lady being with a short man?

Why should height be a barrier to one finding love?

Dear GhanaWeb is a relationship and lifestyle advice column by GhanaWeb where the GhanaWeb audience responds to your questions and problems about relationships at home, work, and beyond. Share yours with GhanaWeb


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