December 25th Is Evil ....

Fri, 13 Oct 2006 Source: The Heritage

Don’t Observe It

The Vice President of God’s Kingdom Society (GKS) Samuel C. Nwaeke, has chastised Christians for misleading God’s people through the celebration of December 25 as Christ’s birth day. He said that the celebration of December 25 has no Biblical basis and only a pagan celebration that rather alienated the people from God’s presence. He noted that the indisputable fact “is that Jesus Christ was born in the month October.”

He has therefore called on all Christians to desist from observing the day as such as it is an evil practice.

At a press conference to launch this year’s freedom day celebration, which comes off this Sunday at the auditorium of Accra Polytechnic, Rev Nwaeke reiterated that “our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was not born on December 25,” adding that “Christmas is one of the truths which the church has been propagating since its inception in 1934.”

According to him, the birth of Christ is of immeasurable importance as, “it inaugurated a new era in the history of mankind, an era in which we have a better understanding of God Almighty”.

He attributed the main road accidents and high rate of crimes usually recorded in the month of December to evil practices associated with the celebration of December 25 as the birth of Jesus Christ.

He said the political freedom which Ghana and the rest of Africa are currently enjoying would only have true meaning “when the people of God have the fear of God, which embraces tolerance and other qualities which Jesus Christ taught his faithful worshippers”.

He blamed the scourge of terrorism in the world on the lack of fear of God. He said though peoople make loud protestation of piety, “a good number of them do not practice what they profess.

Source: The Heritage