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Dissing Sarkodie will be a wrong move – Edem

Edem Rapper Look Rapper Edem

Tue, 26 Feb 2019 Source: zionfelix.net

For the many people who have had the strong belief that Edem’s popular ‘Hyeba’ song was a direct attack on Sarkcess music boss, Micheal Owusu Addo aka Sarkodie, the award-winning musician says that was never the case.

Speaking on Kumasi-based Luv FM’s drive time show hosted by DJ Reuben, Edem admitted that even though it is not wrong for rappers to go at each other lyrically, that particular track was never directed at Sarkodie.

VRMG boss, who is known in private life as Denning Edem Hotor stated emphatically that it will be a wrong move, if not totally disastrous to make any form of lyrical move or ‘attack’ on Sarkodie.

Explaining why he will make such a conclusion, the ‘Toto’ hitmaker revealed that even though they are all doing just music, they both represent two very strong ethnic groups in the country. He revealed that whereas, the ‘Can’t Let You Go’ hitmaker represents the Akan ethnic group in Ghana, he, on the other hand, represents the Ewe ethnic group.

He, therefore, ended by stating that for this prime reason, he feels there is no need to pitch against each other ever.

Watch the video of Edem make this revelation below:

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Rapper @iamedemgh has opined that it will make no sense to beef his colleague @sarkodie His reason he gave when speaking to DJ Reuben on Luv FM In Kumasi last Friday was very deep. Read more on www.zionfelix.net

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Source: zionfelix.net