Don't carry the financial problems to the bedroom - Marriage counsellor advises men

Rev. Dr. Nanayaa.png Marriage counsellor, Rev. Dr. Nanayaa Owusu-Prempeh

Thu, 26 Sep 2024 Source:

Marriage counsellor Rev. Dr. Nanayaa Owusu-Prempeh has advised men struggling with financial problems to refrain from engaging in ‘bedroom activities’ while thinking of their issues.

Speaking on TV3, Dr. Owusu-Prempeh explained that stress over issues like children's school fees, rent, and daily expenses can prevent men from fully relaxing and enjoying intimate moments with their partners.

She likened the situation to attending a place of worship, where one is expected to leave their burdens at the door.

"I want to plead to the men who have financial problems. Don't carry the financial problems to the bedroom. It's a mind game. So once you are tensed over here, you can't please yourself. You can't please the woman," she advised.

Dr. Owusu-Prempeh also highlighted the importance of forgiveness in maintaining a healthy sexual relationship.

She stated "If you do not forgive your partner, you cannot please them. And even the fact that you are even initiating the sex means that you have to be willing to forgive."


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