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Don't hide behind VAT to increase prices - Nana Afful

Fri, 8 Jan 1999 Source: --

Ekwamase (Central Region) 8 Jan. '98 Farmers have been urged not to use the re-introduction of the Value Added Tax (VAT) as a license to increase prices of their farm produce. The Abontsidomhene of Abeadze traditional area in the Central Region, Nana Nketsia Afful, himself a farmer, emphasised the fact that farm produce are exempted from VAT So " there is no justification for us to increase their prices." At a durbar to mark the annual Akwambo festival of the people of Ekwamase, ten farm hands, employees of Nana Afful, were awarded prizes for their devotion to duty. Mr. Yaw Esinor who received the first prize had sewing machine while Big Joe received a cassette recorder for placing second and Kwame Asane collected a wax print and a wall clock for coming third. Nana Afful urged Ghanaians to desist from acts which could undermine the successful operation of the new tax system. "We need good water, good roads, schools, electricity and health facilities in our rural communities and we must help the government to generate funds to meet these requirements," he said. Nana Afful urged festival planning committees to ensure that they give development projects priority in their programmes. Nana Kwebu Ewusie, Omanhene of the area, urged workers to their work with all the seriousness that it deserves, be it private or government work.

Ekwamase (Central Region) 8 Jan. '98 Farmers have been urged not to use the re-introduction of the Value Added Tax (VAT) as a license to increase prices of their farm produce. The Abontsidomhene of Abeadze traditional area in the Central Region, Nana Nketsia Afful, himself a farmer, emphasised the fact that farm produce are exempted from VAT So " there is no justification for us to increase their prices." At a durbar to mark the annual Akwambo festival of the people of Ekwamase, ten farm hands, employees of Nana Afful, were awarded prizes for their devotion to duty. Mr. Yaw Esinor who received the first prize had sewing machine while Big Joe received a cassette recorder for placing second and Kwame Asane collected a wax print and a wall clock for coming third. Nana Afful urged Ghanaians to desist from acts which could undermine the successful operation of the new tax system. "We need good water, good roads, schools, electricity and health facilities in our rural communities and we must help the government to generate funds to meet these requirements," he said. Nana Afful urged festival planning committees to ensure that they give development projects priority in their programmes. Nana Kwebu Ewusie, Omanhene of the area, urged workers to their work with all the seriousness that it deserves, be it private or government work.

Source: --