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Dress the way you want to be addressed


Tue, 21 Apr 2015 Source: punchng.com

The mental state of health of every human being can be determined to a large extent by the clothes that they wear, or better still, by their appearance or outlook.

An insane person for instance needs no introduction as everyone will be cautious not to move close to him. Even someone that is hale and hearty can be mistaken for an abnormal person by his or her outlook.

When the red carpet host popularly known as Denrele was narrating his story on a television show some time ago, he talked about how people mistook him for a mad man because of his way of dressing. But to him, he was only creating a brand by dressing with torn and patched clothing and outrageous hairstyle. He even went on to say that about the time he started his trademark appearance, whenever he boarded a commercial vehicle, the passengers would all come down just because they thought he was mentally unfit. Whenever he stopped a commercial motorcycle, they would dodge him because they mistook him for something else.

The normal reaction of people at first contact to anybody whose mode of dressing is far below or above the norm is to first and foremost take a second look of admiration or disgust (as the case may be). It is until the sanity level of such has been determined before others can be comfortable around the person.

Human beings are rational beings, because there is a reason for acting the way we do, except for those that are mentally unfit. Some act based on past experiences, and some act by copying what other people do. If we choose to dress prim and proper, there is a reason. If we choose to dress with the cleavage exposed or the boobs popping out of our dresses, it is also for a reason. If a man chooses to unbutton his shirt to expose his bare hairy chest, or sag his trousers to expose his boxer shorts, it is also for a reason. Whatever we choose to do, there is a purpose for it because human beings are sensible, logical and act based on reasons.

During the dry and hot seasons for instance, people tend to wear less clothing or light fabrics to suit the weather condition. There are some places however that will still require suiting up no matter how hot the weather is. Even if we wear a very short skirt or dress to the office and then a revealing shirt, it may cause our co workers to think that we are trying to get something by dressing provocatively. It can also lead people to jump to conclusions about our personality. They may feel that we are trying to show off or be flirtatious in one way or another. In the same vein, if you dress in a very sloppy way, then people can think that you are a dirty or unkempt person.

It may be easier for teenagers to get away with dressing in a way that is sloppy or showing too much, but when it comes to adults, then it is definitely a whole new world of opinions, because our reputation is not with us but in the hands of other people, which can be influenced by our habits.

As an adult however, it is very important that we take the time to really think about how we are dressed before we leave the house. Clothing that is meant for the beach or relaxation around the house should not be seen in other places.

Parents are setting examples on how their children should dress, both as young adults and adults. Every human being is a living magnet. We have the ability to attract and repel. We have the capability to earn admiration or aversion by our mode of dressing.

The way we dress can determine how we will be treated that day. But according to the words of the celebrated cloth designer, Gianni Versace, he said ‘being you is the key to proper collection of clothing. Don’t be into trends and don’t make fashion own you. But you should decide what you are and what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live.’

Whatever way you choose to act, let it be for a positive purpose. Whatever way you choose to dress, let it be for respect and not disgust. Our clothing at all times must be decent, clean, coordinated and free of wrinkles.

Looking neat is not meant for going out alone, even when indoors, clothing should be wrinkle free. No lady should be considered classy when she exposes an intimate body part. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent, so dress the way you want to be addressed.

Source: punchng.com