EL needs help - Fashion Analyst

EL BET Disappointed EL

Thu, 2 Jun 2016 Source: vibesin5.com

Lately, VGMA artiste of the year – EL has come under serious attacks from his own fans for his latest looks.

In this look, EL has short dreads on top of his head just around the middle part, giving him a pineapple look.

Prior to this looks, the “Koko” hit maker usually wore caps in almost a his public appearances. Fans and the general public accepts that and have no qualms about it. Not long after the VGMAs this year, pictures of EL with his new looks started flying around social media. Many have expressed their likes or displeasure about it.

To find out whether artistes have to take their looks serious, Sammy Flex on the AM Pluzz show got into a telephone conversation with a professional stylist and image analyst – Matilda Payne.

In the conversation, Matilda disclosed that it is very important for artistes to be very careful with the way they present themselves in terms of looks. This according to her plays a very key role in keeping their brand.

Matilda went on to mention some popular people who have really kept their looks over a long period and benefitted from it. She mentioned Reggie Rockstone, Samini, Obrafour and Kojo Antwi for being some of the few people that have kept their looks consistent. She however was not happy with the looks of Akwaboa.

When she finally touched on the main man for the discussion which is EL, she stated that his current looks doesn’t fit him. “EL needs help, they should employ someone to deal with his looks” she said. According to Matilda, EL could have kept the locks covered until it was grown a bit longer to fit his face and his brand. She believes even though the artiste has the final say when it comes to the image and brand they want to project, it is also very important to listen to the fans sometimes since they also have a stake in your brand.

Source: vibesin5.com