Exclusive pictures and video from Kyeiwaa's white wedding in the United States

Screenshot 20200725 235028 1595721377078?fit=690%2C354&ssl=1 Veteran actress Kyeiwaa and husband at their white wedding

Sun, 26 Jul 2020 Source: sammykaymedia.com

After her colourful traditional marriage ceremony was held on Friday, 24th July, 2020 at Worchester Massachuchetts, USA, Ghanaian actress Rose Mensah, popularly known as Kyeiwaa followed up with a grand marriage blessing ceremony better known as the “white wedding” on Saturday, 25th July, 2020 in the United States of America.

The veteran actress and husband, Micheal Kissi Asare looked very awesome on their big day.

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Kyeiwaa’s Marriage Blessing with Husband ongoing now in America

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Source: sammykaymedia.com