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Fashion designer feeds inmates at Echoing Hills Village

Designer Kids3 Eunice Akosua Botchwey with children at the orphanage

Fri, 13 Jan 2017 Source: enewsgh.com

Student, fashion designer and philanthropist Eunice Akosua Botchwey celebrated her birthday last Saturday with the inmates of Echo Hills Ghana, a non- profit home located in Madina ministering to those with special needs in the local community.

In an interview with Enewsgh.com after the party with the inmates of the house she revealed: “as part of my celebration, I decided to scout for a less privileged home where I can celebrate with. Echo Hill came in mind, so together with my organisation: Ladies of Integrity on the various tertiary institutions, we decided to make this day memorable by spending time here with the inmates”

“We dine with them, shared the word of God and encourage them to strive for success” She added.

Ladies of Integrity, at the just ended GH Tertiary Women’s Awards, won the most promising women group for 2016.

Pastor Ampofo, who is the coordinator and chaplain for the facility thanked her for remembering the inmates of the house, also entreating the general public to lend a helping hand to the less privileged.

See photos:

Source: enewsgh.com