Fatwa against Tax Evaders

Wed, 27 Dec 2006 Source: "GOOD MORNING GHANA (and) "MAYOR SPEAKS


Exhibiting his usual African "Spirit of Patriotism" and reminding Ghanaians around the World that "Ghana First (before) Politics !!!" and moreover, explaining that "Taxes are the Blood and Soul" of a Nation, Marverick Politician and Leader of the "Ghanaians Abroad Coalition", as well as the 2004 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah(Mayor) Boateng, has publicly asked the Nation's Christian Leaders (Priests and Pastors, etc) to OSTRACISE "Tax Dodgers" and Muslim Leaders (Immams) to issue a Peaceful (Non-Violent) and "Third Degree" form of "FATWA" against "Enemies of the Poor" who(REFUSE) to pay taxes to enable the Country to provide Social Services to the Poor and the "Struggling" Middle Class in terms of Money Transfers to achieve Equity; Unemployment Insurance Benefits for Displaced Workers; Food Banks to feed the Nation's Children and Malnourished Adults; Free Health Care for the poor and also, taxes needed for the Country's Infrastructure Development !!!.

"Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor, who explained that his "Punitive Tax Words" are "Ingredients of Literature", stated clearly that despite his belief in providing Social programs to the Poor and the needy, he strongly believes in Hardwork and Workfare with Dignity than "Hand-Out" with Indignity and the Poor, the Dis-Advantaged, the Struggling Middle Class and the "Un-Certain" Rich should all be helped whenever they are in real need of help !!!.

" Under my Patriotic Private Bill, Politicians in the Country risk Mandatory Jail terms [if] they steal tax monies and Ghanaians (at Home) could face Jail Terms (like their fellow Ghanaians Abroad (and) "Ghanaian Dual Citizens" said "Osagyefo".

The "Patriotic Private Bill" calls for Prison terms ranging from 5 years to 25 years with hard labour for any (POLITICIAN) who steals taxes meant for the Country's development !!!.

Tax Collectors and or [Tax Contractors] who receive bribes from Tax Payers to enable them to escape from their tax obligations, will face a minimum five (5) years in Prison, up to 15 years, with hard labour, according to the "Patriotic Bill".

Tax Defaulters who have (good intentions to pay their tax obligations) to the Nation and make (arrangements with the appropriate Tax Collecting Institution or "Contracted Agencies" who may be authorized to collect taxes), should (NEVER) be put in Jail !!!, according to the Private "Patriotic Bill" which "Osagyefo" sent electronically December 10, 2006 to Ghana's Parliament, attention : the Parliamentary Clerk, for both the Majority and Minority Speakers of Parliament to introduce to Parliament.

"Osagyefo" explained that taxes could be used for Ghana's "Self Development" efforts to build more Hospitals, Elementary and Middle Schools; Universities; Freeways and Highways; Parks and Recreation and to provide more Buses, Trains, etc, and moreover, to provide Social Services to the Nations' Poor and Needy to ensure Equity and Human Efficiency !!!"

" It is in our own best interest to pay taxes to the Nation", the Politician with an "African Patriotic Spirit" said.

"Taxes have made United States of America, Britain, Germany, France and Canada, etc, etc advanced and great Nations !!!. We can transform Ghana into a first class Country when we pay our taxes", said "Osagyefo".

" Our Nation does not have enough money to build more Schools, more Libraries, more Hospitals, more > Recreational Centers and to build Freeways, Highways and Recreational Centers, etc. Our Nation cannot provide a Welfare to (WORKFARE) Social Services to the poor, unemployed and Displaced Workers. Our Nation cannot feed the hungry, especially Children from poor families.

" Our Nation cannot provide Un-Employment benefits to her Displaced Workers. Our Nation cannot provide subsidized housing to the poor and the "Struggling, Civil Servants"; Our Tro Tro Drivers drive with "Severe Hunger" staring menacingly on their innocent faces".

"Democratic United States of America, Great Britain, Netherlands, Germany and France at least show "Human Heart" to their poor and needy although a lot needs to be done in some of these Countries, yet, a Nation about to celebrate her 50th Independence anniversary is still "Ideologically Confused" whether in a "Trigger-Happy Dictatorship" or an "Over-Depending" Democracy glued to International Begging, said the Politician who tells the truth and nothing but the truth, and according to his followers who dare to commit "Political Heresy", the reincarnated Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah - "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, is indeed the "POLITICAL MESSIAH !!!"

In a statement directed to Ghanaians living abroad, the marverick Politician said : " You gnashed your teeth in celebration when my Letter to His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor [eventually] sparked the "ROPA Debate" and later, the "Ropa Law" allowing Ghanaians living abroad to vote; You jubilated when I publicly called for "Speedy Implementation" of the Dual Citizens Act and recently, You smiled and poured "Champagnes" in jubilation when I criticised Ghana's "Apartheid Law" preventing Ghanaians with Dual Citizens from holding public office and challenged former President Jerry John Rawlings and his former Ministers; President John Agyekum Kuffuor and his ruling Ministers to [undergo the same "Akwasi Prempeh Test"] of questioning - whether they hold Dual Passports or whether they have ever held "Dual Passports" or "Dual Citizens" before and finally, argued intellectually for Birth Rights and Blood Rights of every Ghanaian and "Ghanaian Dual Citizen", especially, Ghanaians living abroad"; and You showed your "White Teeth" in a joyous celebration when I [first] called for Parliamentary seat for Ghanaians living abroad". --- " Now that I am asking you to pay "Compulsory Ghanaians Abroad Income Tax for Mother Ghana - a mere Ten ($ 10.00) a YEAR up to Hundred Dollars ($100.00) a Year - based on income", some of you are angry ", the "People's Mayor" said, sarcastically. !!!.

"If you live abroad and [REFUSE] to pay taxes to Mother Ghana, your dead body should not even be allowed to arrive at the Airport [unless] your Beloved ones pay your "Ghanaians Abroad Tax" [obligation] to "Mother" Ghana !!!" said the "Abroad's Leader" whose organization plans to contract with the United States Sheriff Departments (and) Sheriff Departments Worldwide to garnish a minimum Ten Dollars, ($10.00) - [ANNUAL] "Ghanaians Abroad Income Tax for Motherland Ghana" - ([IF] ANY GHANAIAN OR "GHANAIAN DUAL CITIZEN" REFUSES TO PAY THE TAX TO MOTHER GHANA, ONCE PARLIAMENT APPROVES THE PRIVATE BILL !!!).

Osagyefo hinted that upon popular request, the Minimum "Ghanaians Abroad Tax" could be increased to Twenty Five Dollars (a Year)- per every Ghanaian living abroad and "Ghanaian Dual Citizen" !!!

(The money will be transferred [directly] to the individual's account that will be established at Ghana's Internal Revenue Service --- [IF] Parliament approves "Osagyefo's Bill" !!!.

"Arrest Warrants [may] be served on defaulters who fail to pay their tax obligation to Mother Ghana !!!", the "Patriotic Politician" cautioned.

Meanwhile, the Abroad's Leader said his "Ghanaians Abroad Coalition", which is headquarted at 3175 South Hoover Street, Ste # 365, Los Angeles, CA 90007 USA, is hiring " Ghanaians Abroad Tax Collectors" who will be paid a [percentage] of the taxes they collect for " Mother" Ghana and that "Individual Tax Accounts" and "Ghanaians Abroad Tax Identifications" would be issued to Tax Payers who live outside Ghana.

"Certificates of Patriotism" will also be issued to "Ghanaians Abroad Tax Payers !!!" which may be(voluntarily) displayed at the Airport(on their arrival in Ghana) or may be (voluntarily) displayed at any office, especially any Ministry they visit in Ghana to prove that the "Ghanaians Abroad Tax Payer" is also contributing towards the (General Development) of Ghana.

"Ghanaians living abroad need "[Parliamentary Representative(s)]","Osagyefo", formerly known as "Kwame Mayor" repeated his earlier call for a "Ghanaians Abroad [Parliamentary Seat] !!!".

"The "Birth and Blood Bill" I proposed should be introduced by the Hon. Majority Speaker and should be "seconded" by the Hon. Minority Speaker on the Floor of Parliament as soon as possible and Members of Parliament should overwhelmingly pass this important Private Bill into Law to guarantee the Natural Rights of "Ghanaian Dual Citizens" to hold public office (and) to ensure that the "Tax Base" of Ghana is expanded for the benefit of the Country !!!, said "Osagyefo" who fights equally and fairly for all People.

He asked Ghanaian Pastors, Immams, Rabbis, etc; Ghanaian Radio; Television Stations and Newspapers around the World to begin collecting "Voluntary Ghanaians Abroad Taxes" until the appropriate time comes for a "[COMPULSORY] Ghanaians Abroad Tax !!!".