Feature: Ebony Reigns is a saint

Ebony Braless Ebony

Fri, 8 Dec 2017 Source: Akyena Brantuo Benjamin

The scanty dressing of dancehall artist, Ebony Reigns, is now a subject of national debate, attracting views of both industry players and those outside the entertainment circles. Manasseh Azure, Celestine Donkor and Kojo Antwi are few examples of those who have waded into the debate.

In the words of Bice Osei Kuffour, popularly known as Obour, President of the Musician Union of Ghana, "(Ebony's dressing) is very bad… as a Union, as much as we will try to make the public understand the role that our musicians play – that they are acting – we are also always constantly speaking to our musicians that they should be conscious of the moral values of the country that they are operating in.”

In fact, Ebony's dressing has been described by most responsible Ghanaians as foreign, immoral and irresponsible.

Ironically, in 2017 alone, Ebony has been the headline artist for many responsible institutions and prestigious programs, including Odadee Torch and Bonfire Night, a program by the prestigious Old Boys Association of Presbyterian Boys Secondary School (PRESEC); Radio and Television Personality Awards (RTP), an award scheme for hardworking media personalities in both Radio and Television.

Others include Joy FM's Old Skuuls Reunion by the distinguished Multimedia Group Limited, Miss Malaika 2017 grand finale and Star FM's Concert by the EIB Group. She has, on her head pastor's birthday, sung for him in church and she will be the headline artist come December 24 on Citifm's December 2 Remember concert.

While it is convenient to disrespect and/or condemn Ebony for her dressing, apparently, she does it for our sake.

Aside the huge revenue her highly patronized programs generate for the state and event organizers, it is obvious this 20year old young woman is not only earning herself a respectable income by putting her talent to use but she has single handedly employed several other Ghanaians including her management, dancers, DJs, sound engineers, music backers, fashion designers, choreographers, music distributors, record label owners, copyright administrators, and the entertainment media.

A casual review of the entertainment industry in the year 2017 will reveal a staggering truth that, but for Ebony, the entertainment media would have been devoid of marketable content. She got the bloggers writing, the pundits talking, airwaves lyrical and the TV screens beautiful. What is more? When the respectable people of our society want to relax with good music, laced with sexual lyrics, performed by a beautiful actress, scantily dressed, guess where they go — Ebony's shows! Ebony indeed, Reigns!!

The young entrepreneur has simply found a market need among the most respectable class of our society and she is merely supplying it to fend for herself and family.

Am I endorsing Ebony? No. I am not. I just want us to look at ourselves in the mirror before judging her. If we do, it will be clear Ebony is a saint. At least she is honest with her intentions and actions, unlike us, who condemn her and still pay good money to patronize her works.

According to her manager, Bullet, they ''don’t want to be hypocrites like those who pretend. She is real and does not fake like the others.” Hypocrisy is simply blowing hot and cold air from the same mouth, or trying to look into a bottle with both eyes.

In social psychology it is termed as dissonance: inconsistency between one's belief and what one actually does.

Can we not see that is what is tearing our nation apart, not the fact that a dancehall artist is not dressing like chorister or a Sunday school teacher? For instance, we condemn police bribery yet we offer it.

We also condemn illegal mining publicly yet, we are those behind it, our families and friends.

We condemn nepotism and cronyism yet, who among us will refuse a job opportunity from an uncle politician because we are less qualified? Are we all not bemoaning falling standards in our educational system yet, we are ready to do anything to get our less intelligent relatives into grade A schools through the back door?

The corrupt politician, irresponsible journalist, lazy public servant, greedy and fake prophets, etc. are they all not our relatives, friends and colleagues? Hypocrisy is a sin. Perhaps, worse than scantily dressing to entertain responsible members of the public.

Revelation 3:15-16 says of such characters that God will vomit them. The passage indicates: "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."

The admonishment of Matthew 7:5 is worth our sober reflection,

"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye."

Source: Akyena Brantuo Benjamin
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