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Fetish priest who was set ablaze twice is now dead

Fri, 8 Aug 2003 Source: GNA

Sunyani, Aug 8, GNA- Seime Ahama, the 39-year-old fetish priest who was set ablaze twice by a mob at Nkaseim in Asutifi District of Brong Ahafo and survived is now dead.

Dr Daniel Asare, Medial Superintendent in charge of the Regional hospital in Sunyani who confirmed this to Ghana News Agency on Friday, could not however, tell the cause of his death.

Ahama was first set on fire by a mob on the allegation of spiritually killing his rival, one Bashiru Gambo over a girl, but escaped after the mob had left him.

He was later captured and doused with petrol but he was rescued by some people and sent to the Regional Hospital in Sunyani, where he was said to be responding to treatment.

Source: GNA