Ghana DJ Awards now launched

Mon, 2 Apr 2012 Source:

Over the weekend, at the luxurious African Regent Hotel in Accra, the Ghana DJ Awards was officially launched at a well attended – strictly by invitation- press conference.

Early this year, the news about an Awards ceremony aimed at rewarding Ghanaian DJ’s was received with mixed feelings. The trouble of recognizing the essence of the awards ceremony had nothing to do with its significance rather its seriousness. Most people who spoke openly about the awards just after the news was made public cited similar awards which did not last its announcement as bases for contemplating on its realness.

Then came in the DJ’s for whom the awards were instituted to reward. Whereas some were excited about the recognition alone, others swept it under the carpet for being another story just to titillate them.

But the organizers were unperturbed; they knew what they were about and as such moved to launch it with all the seriousness worth a ceremony of its kind.

So, as it were, the launch which also outdoored the categories for recognition came off on Saturday at about 6pm amid cheers from media personalities, DJ’s, studio owners, Musicians and some powerful members of the public who could not hide their joy as a preview of a yet to be released documentary about Ghanaian DJ’s was screened.

“This is serious, am overwhelmed but I pray they sustain it” a journalist who spoke to this reporter said while the documentary was being shown.

Organizers of the event, Merqury Republic Events laid down the categories for the first ever Ghana DJ Awards 2012 as:

The main event, it was announced, is to be staged at a cosy location in the capital on 22nd September 2012. The event’s venue was not made public for reasons best known to the organizers but they maintained that it will be one of the biggest events to be witnessed in Ghana yet.

Representatives from MUSIGA, Daddy Bosco and Tic Tac who were present to show their support for the ceremony could not hide their excitement about the great initiative.

Daddy Bosco disclosed that he was present when some of the well structured Awards ceremony today was launched years back and declared that they were nothing close to what was being witnessed at the DJ Awards launch.

He said “ I was there, and you should trust me that this is far better than what we witnessed back then….I see something great coming to Ghanaian DJ’s and I am optimistic that by the time the main event it staged, Ghanaian DJ’s will be on a new level” he added.

Merqury Quaye, whose initiative has brought birth to what is officially known as the Ghana DJ Awards is a DJ himself. At the launch, he maintained that it was not easy putting the idea of rewarding Ghanaian DJ’s together but hinted that “by the support of the team, this will be one of the biggest events to be staged in Ghana”.

The young farsighted CEO of the company behind the awards told press men after the launch that the ceremony will be preceded with a number of events including a workshop, DJ parties as well as nominees parties and a tour which will see DJ’s across the country participating to enhance their knowledge on new development and technologies associated with their work as conveyors of music
