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Ghanaian Politician heading to Iran to bring American Hostages ?

Mon, 2 Nov 2009 Source: che mashinini, special to uhuru times.

---- Blasts Kufuor and Rawlings for [Own]Terror !!!

In a daring effort to boost Ghana's image abroad as well as the image of the entire African Continent, a Ghanaian-American Candidate for Governor of California who is hoping to succeed the "Terminator", Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in election 2010, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor" - an alumnus of the Prestigious University of Southern California (USC) who is described by American public officials as more educated than 70% of America's population, and dubbed "America's Mandela" for his Moral Courage and Trade Mark of Political Fearlessness, has publicly announced on his weekly political sermons on his Campaign Website WWW.KwameforPresident.Com that he is making the necessary arrangements to travel to Iran to personally negotiate the release of American Hostages held in Iran for Humanitarian reasons --- blasting former President of Ghana, John Agyekum Kufuor who terrorized him for political reasons, ironically, after systematically stealing his (Kwame Mayor's) strategic ideas --and equally blasting ex Ghana's Military Junta Leaders Jerry John Rawlings and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan for killing their own African brothers and sisters whom they held as political hostages.

(The former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate once sent faxes to American and South Korean Newspapers as well as Ghanaian Newspapers and especially, to U.S. Embassy in Korea offering to trade his life for the kidnapped South Korean hostage who was beheaded by his captors --- calling on Obama's White House to do the right thing and award him a Presidential Medal for an exceptionally act of Courage by a non-combatant Civilian !!! --- hinting that he has the evidence to support his Humanitarian and Heroic deeds).

The Politician whose former girl friend is from Iran expressed optimism that Iran's President and Supreme Spiritual Leader would release the American hostages for humanitarian reasons and appealed to the White House to authorize his trip to Iran and appealed to all Americans; Ghanaians and African people to pray for him to secure the release of the American hostages.

Turning to Ghana, the Charismatic Politician said he is making the necessary arrangements to invite the victorious Ghana's under-20 World Cup Team which gallantly beat Brazil to play friendly matches in USA, England and African Countries to raise millions of money for the team, and to invite the players to visit places of interest in the United States of America such as Disneyland, (the Happiest Place on Earth); Universal Studios, Hollywood, Magic Mountain, Las Vegas, etc; --- and furthermore, to make the necessary arrangements for the World Cup Champions to fly to other Countries in Africa to display the Trophy to other African Presidents and respectable Political Leaders such as Nelson Mandela of South Africa, since their victory is not only a victory for Ghana but a victory for Mother Africa, according to the Legendary Civil Rights and Human Rights Activist; a Pan-Africanist and a Freedom Fighter in his own right.

The Politician who has postponed his trip to Nigeria to consult with President John Evans Atta Mills' Spiritual Adviser - T.B. Joshua, says that he decided to undertake the trip because of President Mills' [own] testimony about T.B. Joshua, but since he personally does not know anything about the Pastor, he would like to take his time to seek Counsel from God Almighty ---before embarking on a trip to seek predictions !!!.

Meanwhile, in what can be described as the Greatest Irony of modern day politics, the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, has publicly announced that he is seeking a "Symbolic Political Refuge" at the White House itself, the seat of government of the Leader of the Free World, to protest the politically-motivated persecution against him by a [few] individuals and Political Terrorists working alone - without the knowledge of the civilized and democratic government of the White House, and also, to protest his stolen ideas by former President John Agyekum Kufuor who denied him a chance to serve in his so-called inclusive government for political reasons, and finally, to protest the current government headed by President John Evans Atta Mills which is continuing the legacy of Kufuor's wickedness towars him, amid political selfishness and greediness.

It would be recalled that the first Ghanaian-American or the first Ghanaian born to symbolically run for a higher public office in the history of America was once put on a "Hi-Tech Savage Trial" in the City of Los Angeles - (City of Angels), in what the presiding Judge described as the "Trial of the Century", and the Politician dubbed "America's Mandela" morally and ethically defeated the "Political Hi-Tech Terrorists" --- (Sincere thanks to President Bill Clinton's White House which ordered the Justice Department to investigate allegations of persecution and torture against the Great Grandson of Asante War Generals and Royals, whose very biological ancestors led Asante / African wars against Colonialism and Imperialism, perpetuated on Ghanaian soil - African soil by "Our White Brothers and Sisters from England".

The former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate has written in one of his books - "AMERICA'S MANDELA" that during his politically-motivated "Trial of the Century", as the presiding Judge described it - a [few] rogue Police Officers, (mingling with the many decent and brave Los Angeles Police Officers), attempted to assassinate him in 1999 - after he had filed a complaint against the officers who arrested him in his politically- related trial and also, after he had filed a complaint against the racist Prosecutor, one Koumjian and his "Uncle Tom" Co-Prosecutor, and a "Red-Neck" Election Officer, Giles who is chiefly suspected along with the Prosecutor who initiated the complaint - (as the key suspects in the political assassination plot).

According to the World's Most Victimized Politician (who claims that he deserves to be listed in the Guiness Book of Records) ---after he had filed a complaint against the afore-mentioned "Political Terrorists and notorious Human Rights and Civil Rights Abusers", Police jumped over his residence late at night, and knocked on his door, falsely claiming that they were looking for a "Suspicious Black Man".

The Civil Rights Legend said that his Emergency "911 Call" to the Police saved his life.

The Pro-American Politician, while still praising United States' government as the most democratic government on the surface of the Earth, and still describes the White House as a Civilized Institution, nevertheless hinted that he strongly believes that a [few] individuals working alone without the knowledge of the White House continue to persecute him.

"I was even persecuted for praising President George Bush", said the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate who claims that in 2002 / 2003, he sent Emails to the White House regarding his "Sister Schools Projects" and "Operation Democracy Endure" projects that aimed at linking U.S. Schools with schools around the world, especially, schools in Africa - Ghana to be precise, and called for an "American led Democratic Revolution".

"Later in 2003, the White House announced that President George Bush's administration would pursue an "American led democratic Revolution".

"I was so over-joyed with the announcement that I publicly praised President George Bush's administration via my emails to the Press".

"Strangely, I lost my jobs - (soon after I had praised President George Bush)", said the Iconic Civil Rights and Human Rights Crusader who is now appealing to the White House to open an investigation into his legitimate complaint - saying that he is willing to take a lie detector test - and also, appealing to the United States Congress to invite him to testify about his ordeals before the brave and freedom-loving people of America.

"They continue to harass me every time I travel".

" They harass me [subtly] at other places where I am supposed to enjoy my Human Rights and Civil Rights", complained the "Politician of the People, by the People and for the People".

"I filed a complaint against a Contractor with U.S. Department of Education who told me that I will "never get a job at the White House" - Fedreral government job", hinted the Civil Rights Giant.

"They have even (politicised) my Student Loans, and in 2006, I was informed that my Student Loan accounts had been turned into the hands of the CIA" - for some strange reasons, said the Iconic Civil Rights and Human Rights Activist.

"They are now using my Student Loans as a subtle and convenient way of violating my Human Rights and Civil Rights, and as a form of Political retaliation and vindictiveness", lamented the Pro-American Democracy Activist.

"I was born free, but everywhere I am in chains", said "America's Mandela", quoting a great French Philosopher.

"Even in my own Land of Birth of Ghana, the Great Injustice perpetuated against me personally, by former President Kufuor's ruling government and the extraordinary Human Rights abuses inflicted upon the brave people of Ghana - by Rawlings and Boakye Djan, lend credence that when you have Emperor Bokassa in the person of former President Kufuor who awards himself a State title, and also, when you have Idi Amin in the persons of Jerry John Rawlings and Boakye Djan then, "The Best of the Black Man is Evil", the "Politician of the People, by the People and for the People" quoted the Martyred Nigerian Human Rights and Environmental Rights Activist, Ken Saro-Wiwa of Blessed Memory.

"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death", added the Politician.


While congratulating Ghana for its Anti-Terrorism Law, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor has cautioned on that such a law could someday haunt former Military Junta Leaders, Flight Lieutenant (Retired) Jerry John Rawlings and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan, and all those who served the brutal Military regimes of AFRC and PNDC, such as former President John Agyekum Kufuor who once accepted a position from Rawlings' PNDC government and Captain (Retired) Kojo Tsikata, whom the "People's Politician" has labelled "Dr. Death".

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng spoke as he praised the State of Israel for its continuous hunting of Nazi Criminals - advising Ghanaians and Africans in general that holding members of brutal governments or those who violate Human Rights and Civil Rights accountable, can effectively contribute to a permanent Peace process.

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, however, called for humane methods to achieve accountability - cautioning that an "Eye for an Eye would make the Nation blind", and a "Tooth for a Tooth would leave all of us Toothless".

The Great Grandson of Asante Adonteng Puduo War Generals and Royals from Bamang, near Bonwire in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, whose very biological ancestors such as Nana Kwarteng Pete, Nana Adonteng Boateng, Nana Kofi Abuosu, alias Nana Kofi Adonteng; Crown Prince, Nana Agyemang Badu, - in their capacity as War Chiefs and Generals, - led Asante Wars against Colonialism and Imperialism perpetuated in Ghana by "Our White Brothers and Sisters" vowed never to retreat from the Battle Field in fighting for Human Rights and Civil Rights.

"Former President John Agyekum Kufuor accepted a position from Rawlings' brutal PNDC government, knowing 100% that the same Rawlings and Boakye Djan executed former Heads of State and Army Generals such as the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa, and the beloved Rear Admiral Joy Amedume".

The Politician who led the "Ghanaians Abroad's Free Tsastu Tsikata", asked Ghanaians to wear "T" shirts with the logo "NEVER AGAIN" inscribed on them, to remind the Nation to "NEVER AGAIN" allow Rawlings and Boakye Djan to ever come back to power to perpetuate their brutal regimes.

" God damn former President John Agyekum Kufuor, the "Great Satan" who persecuted me without cause, and God damn former Military Junta Leader Jerry John Rawlings, the "Re-Incarnation of Devil who seized power to kill his own African brothers and sisters", the "People's Politician" said.

SOURCE : Uhuru Times

Che Mashinini

>>> (Signed for Release) : "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, (Kwame Mayor)

>>> Emails : KwameMayor@Yahoo.Com

>>> Facebook : KwameforGovernor

>>> Telephone (+ 562) 428-3727

>>> [Website] : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com

Source: che mashinini, special to uhuru times.