Ghost Whisperer Back On Viasat 1

Wed, 23 Nov 2011 Source: --

On Friday, December 3, Viasat 1’s supernatural drama, GHOST WHISPERER which ran from July to September 2010, re-hits the airwaves. Ghost Whisperer begins transmission as a replacement for the successful crime drama television series, CSI Las Vegas.

Season 7 of the CSI Las Vegas franchise draws its curtains Thursday 24 November at 9pm. In the final episode of season 7; as the CSI's continue their search for and discover the identity of the "Miniature Killer", Grissom and Sara's relationship gets exposed to the rest of the team as she goes missing during the investigation.

The "Miniature Killer" is finally captured, but not before a member of CSI becomes the killer's final victim. Viasat 1 has broadcast seasons 1 to 7 of the CSI Las Vegas series since launch in addition to numerous seasons of other CSI franchises including Miami and New York. More deals are expected to be brokered between Viasat 1 and Hollywood for more episodes of the CSI franchises, for local viewing.

The GHOST WHISPERER series follows the life of Melinda Gordon played by Jennifer Love Hewitt, who has the ability to see and communicate with ghosts.

While trying to live as normal a life as possible—she is married and owns an antique store—Melinda helps earthbound spirits resolve their problems and cross over into the light, or the spirit world.

Her tasks are difficult and at times she struggles with people who push her away and disbelieve her ability. In addition, the ghosts are mysterious and sometimes menacing in the beginning and Melinda must use the clues available to her to understand the spirits' needs and help them.

The series has been acclaimed since it first aired in the USA and has since broadcast worldwide with high ratings! Viasat 1 has acquired rights to continue with season 2 of the series since airing the first season last year.

Both seasons 1 and 2 received rave reviews in the US and went on to produce the third and fourth installments. The second season opens with the title “Love Never Dies”, where before the Ghost Whisperer- Melinda is able to help Zack, he gets suck into the dark side of the spirit world! Ghost Whisperer starts Friday 25 November 2011 at 9pm on Viasat 1.

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