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Give us a break! - Nana Boroo to music legends criticising new style of music

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Sat, 5 Sep 2020 Source: happyghana.com

Popular Ghanaian musician Nana Boro who has now rebranded to Berose 3Sixty has sent a message to music legends to give the new crop of musicians a break when it comes to content and style of their music.

According to him, the world is not serious at the moment and as such the new styles and contents of songs now move with the trends of today.

Speaking in an interview with Doctar Cann on the Showbiz Xtra show, he stated: “Sometimes I don’t understand these elderly ones when they complain about the new style of music. Every generation has what it brings on board. In the times of our parents, these musicians were doing something different from today.

As I speak now, thirty years to come if my children are doing something different, I can’t complain about it. It is their era”.

He added that people cannot expect to receive guidance and counseling in modern songs by virtue of the fact that the world is not serious.

“I hear them complain about the content of our music these days. We now live in a world where people are not serious. You can’t expect me to advise your child in my music. The world is not serious, so when you come with all seriousness in your music, you will be ignored”.

Exemplifying his point about the unseriousness of the world, he said, “In past times, you will hardly see women expose their bodies and take pictures, but now it is all around social media”.

Berose 3Sixty urged that we must embrace change because “If we don’t accept the change, we can’t move forward”.

“Every 10 years, things change. So I can’t use my ‘Aha y3d3’ song to compare the type of music being done today which is largely centred around social media.

That is why I am making music to fit into what is happening right now”,he added.

Berose 3Sixty is currently promoting his new single dubbed ‘Dangerous’

Source: happyghana.com
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