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H4P Crew storms Tema with Malaria Campaign

Wed, 21 Sep 2011 Source: --

The H4P Crew in collaborated with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the government of Ghana has distributed quantities of insecticide treated bed nets in Tema.

The H4P (Here For Perfection) Crew is a gospel music, arts and melo- drama group with a vision of impacting their world by providing it with an alternative Christian entertainment. They also have as a focus the campaign against malaria as their corporate social responsibility. Since its formation in January 2011, they have distributed almost 2000 chemically treated nets and other malaria test kits.

As part of their itinerary for the year, the H4P Crew stormed the Tema Municipality with their Anti-malaria Campaign Programme.

The Crew visited Bescal Jewels Academy, a creche, preparatory and Junior High School, at Tema Community 9, in the Greater Accra Region on 5th August, 2011. The campaign started from the classroom and then then went to the stage as the quartet demonstrated that they do not only have acting and singing prowess but are also good at teaching.

They sketched a drama, for the children, on the causes and prevention of malaria. It brought awareness to the significance of keeping a clean environment and the avoidance of stagnant waters, etc, since those are conditions that breed the mosquito parasite.

The sketch also made the children and their tutors appreciate the need to use chemically treated bed nets as a preventive measure to the 'malaria infection. The children and tutors were therefore given some free chemically treated mosquito bed nets. The H4P Crew, with the assistance of their health team demonstrated how to hang the chemically treated bed nets.

The children were taught to inform their parents on how to hang them, twenty-four (24) hours before sleeping in them. The Crew also used simplified pictures to further explain, to the children, the causes and prevention of malaria. The children, together with their tutors and the Crew sang and danced their hearts out to the tune of the new malaria song released by the H4P Crew.

Malaria, a disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite, has been a major killer in Africa. It kills a child every 30 seconds in Sub Saharan Africa. The Crew, in an interview, said they chose to spend time educating the children because they are very vulnerable to the disease. They said the children are in a better position to spread the message to their parents. The Crew expressed joy at the opportunity to interact with the tutors and children.

According to the Executive Producer and Director of the H4P Crew, Apostle Charles Hackman, Malaria kills faster than AIDS though it is a curable and preventable disease, and must not be allowed to continue taking the lives of the future leaders of this blessed continenti Africa.

He craved the indulgence of everyone in the nation and Africa at large to join hands in combating this menace. "At H4P we believe that the price of the future is paid in the now and if we want a comfortable future, we have to sacrifice for it now. There is a price for every pleasure; we believe that if we want to have a peaceful tomorrow we must have a 'hard working' today".

Some of the tutors, in an interview, expressed their appreciation for the visit and thanked the Crew for coming to their school. The proprietress of the Academy, Mrs. Comfort Amesawu, also expressed her profound gratitude to the Crew for the visit and the over 100 chemically treated mosquito nets given to the children and tutors.

It is however, worth noting that all the malaria campaign tours, so far have been self-funded by the H4P Crew.

The campaign tour of the H4P Crew still goes on and they are looking forward to reaching out to some other communities in other regions.

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