Some games we witnessed last night. Schalke at the San Siro??? You see why I have been going on and on about this sport? I am sure the debate will carry on all day. Not to worry. That’s why I am here. Plus it’s the big one tonight. You can leave a comment and let us know what you think. But for now, let’s continue with our very own special manual for a healthy relationship. Is it me or does Adebayor spotting a new haircut is looking like a slave? LAW 6 So we don’t like to be asked certain questions when we are busy watching football. We don’t want to know about your new dress, you know we love you, don’t choose that particular time to ask that question. Don’t call me or ask me to call you when I am watching football. I am almost “certain” not to hear my phone ring anyway. Unfortunately we all at one point in time have been asked some questions about football by our wives/girlfriends/sisters…I’d love to hear from you on this one but I’d share a couple of mine…”so who is the guy in yellow with the whistle?”, “why don’t they just catch the ball and run with it?” And “is Arsenal in England?”
LAW 7 You shall own at one point in time of your life own an original replica jersey of your favourite football team. This is mandatory. However you are not to worry if you haven’t, because most of us are yet to fulfill this law.
LAW 8 You will hate on your opponents and rival teams especially with a passion, not mincing words with criticisms of their performances and their players.
LAW 9 You will nevertheless not refuse an opportunity to take a swipe at officials and one’s own players when they play the fool. We don’t want you dying over a game of football now do we? It’s better to let it all out on the Couch.
LAW 10 Finally, if ever the situation arises that there is a clash in program line-up, say football and a Nigerian movie or football and Cuando seas mias, you will be a gentleman and send that beautiful woman on her way to watch her program on the black and white TV in the guest room. Whiles you enjoy your game of football in the living room on your big screen. You realize that this law takes care of most of the other laws mentioned earlier.
So there you have it. If ever you are in doubt, do not hesitate to consult the Couch laws. Yes, am waiting for reactions mostly gratitude and thank you though. This should further increase the tension between us. I mean if you didn’t hate me already I just gave you a reason to do so now. But if you have been reading this blog for some time now you would have noticed that “me I don’t matter”. Anyway the debate is on, Chelsea – United. Doesn’t get any better than this.