Personalities including Sarkodie, Efya, Eazzy, Edem, E.L and others have reacted to the incident
A gas station located close to the GOIL fuel station at Atomic Junction, exploded before the fuel station later caught up in flames.
Hours after the incident, Ghanaian personalities took to the various social media platforms to show their concern.
Personalities including Sarkodie, Efya, Eazzy, Edem, E.L and others have reacted to the incident.
Is not like the explosions are goin to stop-there are no proper checks before these filling stations starts operating ????????
— TIME (@DJMENSAH1) October 7, 2017
#SorryGhana ????????
— HIGHEST ? (@sarkodie) October 8, 2017
Someone’s whole life changed in a flash of light.. people run out the house naked ???????????????? #PrayForAtomic #PrayForMadina #PrayForGhana ????????????
— EFYA (@EFYA_Nokturnal) October 8, 2017
Let The Souls Of All Those Who Lost Their Lives in this Tragic Event Rest In Peace! Strength and Condolences To Their Families! hmm Ghana
— LIVINGSTONE (@stonebwoyb) October 8, 2017
Just heard about the AtomicJunction Explosion.
— LOMI (@ELgh_) October 7, 2017
Hope you're safe out there Tonight Fam.
Strange rain from nowhere ???? God is great #AtomicExplosion totally unbelievable ??????????
— PROBLEM (@gurunkz) October 7, 2017