How Sarkodie quickly grabbed his wife during a photo session with Michael Blackson and fiancée

Video Archive
Mon, 2 Jan 2023 Source:

A video where Sarkodie made an interesting move during a picture session with his wife Tracey, Michael Blackson, and his fiancée, has gone viral.

Both couples were spotted at the backstage of an event where they posed for some group pictures.

Initially, while striking a pose for the cameras, Micheal Blackson was swamped with both women, leaving a ‘lonely’ Sarkodie to stand all by himself.

Michael Blackson had his fiancée Rada Darling on the right and Sarkodie’s wife on his left.

Upon realizing that Tracey was in the company of Blackson and his fiancée while he stood all alone, Sarkodie quickly pulled his wife to his side.

This has since stirred massive reactions from netizens as they have passed interesting comments on social media.

While some believe Sarkodie is simply protecting his property, others think the ‘Sarkcess Music’ boss overreacted.

Some netizens also believe that the rapper is just ensuring the right arrangement for the picture.

Watch the video below:

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