How difficult is it to stay faithful as a man – Men share their reasons for being faithful

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Mon, 20 Jan 2020 Source:

A man’s story shared by social media commentator, David Papa Bonzie-Mbir on his page has sparked a chain of reactions from men detailing why they are faithful to their partners.

The poster, a young man who has been married for four years narrated his story of his inability to hold true to the promise he made to his wife, that is to be faithful to her.

The young man in his story said even though his wife, who he describes as beautiful and kind has not wronged him in any way, he finds it difficult to stay faithful.

He narrated how he fantasizes about a female colleague and how he wishes to have her in his bed.

His story read in part, “I am pleased with my wife…everything about her is beautiful and attractive, I am just struggling with this whole having sex with only her promise. ..Lately I am beginning to fantasize about a female friend. Any time I see her I imagine what she will be like in bed with me…”

The story, however, triggered other men to share their own stories on why they have been faithful to their wives, GhanaWeb monitored.

With usernames, SK, Nana,and Fo Kudzo, these three men who have been married many years, shared their stories.

Read the emotionally charged stories from Nana, SK and Fo Kudzo below:

"I am married and this is my fourth year in marriage. My commitment to my wife, Abigail Okyere Boateng, goes far beyond my words/promise to her. My promise to her was first before God (Jesus Christ), my husband. I am ultimately accountable to the one who keeps my soul so I cannot be unfaithful to Him. Secondly, I made the promise before my parents, and her parents whom I have great respect and honour for. I cannot betray the trust they have for me.

Further, I made the promise before ordained ministers of God and before many loving witnesses. I cannot take their sacrifices on my behalf for granted. Probably most importantly, I made a promise to the woman I chose to love all the days of my life. How can I hurt and betray the trust of the one whom I so dearly love? True love is pure. Love never fails.

I have learnt not to leave my heart on auto pilot because the heart is deceitful above all. Who can know it? I intentionally commit my heart to Jesus and acknowledge Him in all I do so that my heart does not stray to sinful paths.

Ultimately, as I want Jesus, my husband to treat me, so I endeavor to treat my wife. Ephesians 5:24-33 is the theme for our marriage and it's been the overriding purpose for choosing to marry. I pray the Lord helps you as you commit your ways to him." --- Nana.

"I'm one of the people that believe in "choices".

Everything we do and will do in our lifetime is based on choices... A person who is in charge of their mind and heart has no room for the devil or any other negative forces...Dave I think you know my story already but I Must say that, though the journey hasn't been easy, it has taken a lot of hard decisions to come this far.

My wife lost her two breasts due to cancer and the chemo also killed her sex drive in a way that the doctors could not explain... Weird huh!! But that is what I have had to endure since 2016... Hahaha yes I know what it means... I have been celibate for 4 years.

One will ask how do you cope hmmmm. I have always said that my vows to her wasn't just mere words. They were mixed with passion and everything that makes me alive.

Dave, the woman I married is my angel. Everything I have achieved is 75% her motivation and support.

My babe is selfless, passionate about my dreams and she has made them hers too as if she has no dreams of her own. Now you understand when the Bible says the two shall be one...

Dave all I can for a woman like this is to breathe my last breathe for her... She lost her sex drive due to chemo and I also intentionally killed mine so that we will all be on the same page for the sake of the union. When we hug and kiss it is very passionate.

We still walk in town holding hands. We throw stones at each other and we enjoy each other always...She is not just my best friend ooo she is my heartbeat. You touch, her I kill you. Staying faithful is a choice which yields everlasting joys" ---SK.

"I was married for 24 and a half years. The day I met her for the first time, I could already feel a strong bond. The next day I told my colleague at work "I think I just met my future wife".

We became very close and were best friends during our dating period. When we got married, we became even closer. Sure, I saw pretty women everyday; I was always proud of what I had at home. As the saying goes, "you don't go looking for a hamburger when you have steak at home". I knew I had the best partner and companion so I had no desire to sleep with another woman.

When the children came along, it was always wonderful to go home from work and play with them. It brought all of us close to one another. Every time I traveled, I couldn't wait to get back home to my best friend and my children. Even after 20 years of marriage, whenever I woke up at night and saw her beautiful face next to me, I felt so blessed to have have this woman sleeping peacefully next to me. I felt so blessed to have her in my life.

Unfortunately, the marriage ended in divorce due family interference that she would not and could not control. But, I have wonderful memories of our life together. Sadly, she suffered a debilitating stroke where she cannot walk or speak. So, there is no opportunity to reconcile."....Fo Kudzo
