How to make Valentine's Day special with a focus on your partner's love language

Valentine's Day gift. Photo via Twitter Regarment Earth

Tue, 24 Jan 2023 Source:

Valentine's Day is coming; where is your girlfriend or boyfriend? That time of the year when lovers take over the streets, restaurants, and social media is almost here.

In this season, the plan is to live according to your budget, save money, and most importantly, make your partner feel loved because the "pressure is getting worser!"

This article has come to the rescue of those who wish to pull off a memorable surprise on a low budget.

As much as you wish to save money, remember that life is all about sacrifices; spend on those you cherish most.

For this year's Valentine's Day, make the big move by concentrating on your partner's love language.

Words of Affirmation- Take them to a love concert:

There is a tall list of shows prepared for lovers on this special day. If you're in a relationship or marriage with someone who loves to hear you confess your love, then we'll recommend you buy a double ticket to a romantic show on Valentine's Day.

Trust me, the love songs will serenade them, soften their hearts, and prepare them for what lies ahead.

Leave the performers to sing songs that will touch your woman's or man's heart.

Do well to compliment them from start to finish, and while the music plays, tell them that special message you prepared for them. Remember that there are special dedications for such shows, make that move.

This is a free tip; you can pop the question on the night!

Acts of Service - Offer a helping hand

Acts of service don't always involve money, just offer a helping hand. Go beyond the regular.

As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words, so show up to work on Valentine's Day.

Go out of your way to fix or offer a helping hand to your beloved. After work, you can wash their car, help them in the kitchen, or for once, pick up the children and help with their homework.

Make life a little bit easier by doing away with gender roles at home.

Receiving Gifts - Spoil your partner

Valentine's Day comes with gifts, never forget this rule.

For this tip, you must know your husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend's urgent needs.

This is your sign to give them money to settle the debt they keep telling you about or replace their old phone.

You can also decide to go low budget by getting them chocolate, a bottle of their favourite wine, or just anything you can afford.

As the saying goes, it is the thought that matters, and for someone whose love language is receiving gifts, they will be elated and feel loved no matter how big or small it is.

Quality Time - Spend the day in their arms

Millions of people will not take lightly their partner's absence on Valentine's Day.

There is this bad joke that states that Valentine's Day is the moment to confirm whether or not you are the main man or woman in someone's life.

Spend quality time with your beloved on February 14 by leaving the office earlier or canceling plans just to make it up to them.

Physical Touch - Lovemaking made special

This is your sign to take your lovemaking out of your regular place.

Take them out to a hostel or just add some touches to your bedroom, and by that, we mean bringing on board all the flowers and candles.

My brother, my sister, go the extra with your bedmatics!

