I am a messenger from God - Zaphnat Panea man opens up

Zaphenath Paneah

Fri, 3 Aug 2012 Source: News-One

‘Zaphnat Panea’ has become one of the most popular catch phrases in Ghana but not all who have heard the expression are aware it is the title of a Christian song by gospel singer Nicholas Omane Acheampong aka ‘Tabitakum’.

Tabitakum has suddenly become known as ‘Zaphnat Panea’ and he told NEWS-ONE how the song has been a huge blessing to his career even to an extent that he received a new Honda Accord Coupe luxury car, 2009 model, registered in 2012 as a gift.

“If God gives you the lyrics for your song, he would prove himself. This is my twelfth album and I am almost 40 years and I have never heard or seen this happen before.

‘Zaphnat Panea’ has ministered to many, many, many people who have given countless testimonies and this is even one of the testimonies that someone has been touched to give me a car.

‘Zaphnat Panea’ is not an entertainment song because I am not an entertainer. I am a messenger of God and ‘Zaphnat Panea’ has a message from God. God actually gives me the lyrics for all my songs and tells me what to write and how to sing them.”

Nicholas Omane Acheampong disclosed that the car was given to him as a gift by Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi, head pastor of Glorious Wave Church, located behind the Cabel Gold TV at Sakumono.

“The pastor just called me on phone one day and said I should come see him but I should come with someone who knows how to drive and that he wanted us to run an errand for him.

When we got there, he gave me this car, a Honda Accord Coupe luxury car, 2009 model, registered in 2012. It costs around GH¢70,000 and I am shocked.

This shows that when you sing ‘Zaphnat Panea’ songs, you deserve to ride in a car that befits the song.

And all persons who sing this song should expect a miracle.”

NEWS-ONE asked Nicholas Omane Acheampong to explain the song ‘Zaphnat Panea’. “Zaphnat Panea means a man with God-like wisdom or the revealer of secrets and I was talking about Joseph in that song.

“I did not sit and decide to do this. I listened from above and the one who gives me the inspiration and the lyrics wants the world to recognize him as the King of Kings.

Our country cannot develop and progress based on promises from politicians and humans.

“All help and progress and good things come from only God and that is what Zaphnat Panea is all about; the need for us to look beyond our present circumstances and look up to the Lord as our only source of hope.”

“If we do not look up to God but continue to reply on politicians, we would not continue to be in prison of poverty, need, underdevelopment and scarcity. We may have all the gold and oil and natural resources but we would never develop without drawing closer to God.

“It is not for fun that when I sing it becomes popular. I’m a messenger and if only people would listen to the message in the songs and obey the word of God, we would achieve our dreams.

“You have gold, gold dust and oil yet you still beg for money from countries that do not have what you have.

Is this not a curse that needs to be broken by ‘Zaphnat Panea’?” Nicholas Omane Acheampong stated.***

Source: News-One