I’ll win the Highlife Artiste in 2016 VGMAs – Kojo Dwamena

New Artiste Kojo Dwamena 2

Fri, 22 May 2015 Source: Linda Godji

Kojo Dwamena, an upcoming Highlife Musician, who has been in the music industry for few years is convinced he will be the next Highlife artiste at the Ghana Music Awards come 2016.

In an interview he was optimistic that his hard work will pay off to beat the only competitor Kwabena Kwabena come next year at the GMA’s.

Question: Why Do you strongly feel you are going to win the High life artist come 2016?

Answer: Judging from the music I have made and what the industry is saying about me, I’m the most viable to win the award come next year at the GMA’s when I file for my nomination. Question: Do you think you can match up with the competition as an upcoming artist?

Answer: I believe I have got the quality to match up any competitor in the industry.

Question: What are some of the successes you have chalked up so far that can put you there as a winner?

Answer: In 2010 when I released my first single Kwansema, KSM picked me on his show at the National Theatre. I performed to a very matured crowed who loved my music that I think was mile stone. I’ve done a lot of work. From there I have played concerts all over. I believe my performances and great creativity put me in the right position.

Question: What is so special about your music?

Answer: I don’t know if I’m the only artist but I think I’m one of the few artists who record live, having all instruments on set and recording at the same time, I think it’s significant. That was how high life started and after sometime when the digital system came in it destroyed the feeling of the real highlife but I have held on to the past and learning from Salif Keita, Blackbeats, Fela Kuti and from all the great guys who have lived highlife, my live recordings puts me on top.

Question: Why the Ghana Music Awards and not any awards next year?

Answer: I respect the Ghana music Awards, so far there have been so much criticism but I think its common every where at the end of everything you have people judging just like any other awards in any industry but personally I think the Ghana Music Awards motivates musicians to move on and I think to win the high life artist of the year will put me on the map and open a lot of opportunities for me.

Question: Are you well exposed for the award you yearn for?

Answer: In between now and the time that the next awards will be hosted, I envisaged to do a lot of things. I have already released my first EP and will release another EP before the next awards. I will be shooting videos for all my songs which are going to be promoted and I think doing all that will put me on top come next year.

Question: What if you don’t win the Highlife artist come 2016?

Answer: I know I’m going to be the Highlife musician come next year, one thrilling thing about the Ghana music awards is that when u work u get there. I'm willing to work and I know I will get there.

Question: How many songs do you have so far?

Answer: “Zugu finding my feet”, the EP I released last September has 6 songs; it’s on all international markets and digital stores. I am in the studio recording another EP. You know its very expensive to record live, u need experienced people u need matured musicians, and its very expensive to put such people together and even manage them. So its takes time to have a lot of songs. So far I have Kwasema, Odo Bugatti, Chosen one, Jah reigns, Going home and God bless my enemies.

Question: How do you see the music industry in General?

Answer: It’s vibrant. I think the Ghana music industry is ready for any good artist and if you do the right things u are going to get there. It’s a system that u need to follow. If u wont to be a musician its doesn’t come by chance it comes by hard work doing a lot of publication and good music and promoting yourself well and putting yourself where you are supposed to be seen. I see it to be an open industry and welcoming to every one who has the talent and willing to do something.

Question: How did you settle at music?

Answer: I have always loved to do different things apart from music sincerely, I have worked in a bank, in an estate company, not so long ago was running a media Production Company. I have tried so many things but the music in me won’t let me do them. It’s like I have to stand up to a call.

Question: How do you get your songs?

I never write songs and I don’t think I can take a pen and paper and say I’m going to write a song, I get them naturally. Just looking at happenings it comes and I put it there. If Gospel comes I put it there. At times I just create and idea in my head and get songs and rythms in my head; I sing them for a long time and they become songs. That’s what makes me feel that Im supposed to stand up to the call.

On the finding my feet album, I have four songs that talk about love and the other two titled Jah reigns and God bless my enemies.

Question: How long have you being doing music?

Answer: For the past seven years, I have been doing active music performing all over and promoting my music. And seven is very significant and I believe on my seventh year I should win the high life artist of the year. I love highlife, eat highlife I am highlife.

Question: Why Highlife?

Answer: I believe in originality. When u want to do something that will take you somewhere you have to do something that represents where you come from and I believe highlife is our culture. It is the sootiest music and it’s in the pulse of every Ghanaian. Highlife can make you stand up not any other music because it brings Presidents and great people together.

Question: You seem not to have profane songs, do you have plans of doing profane in the future?

Answer: I believe I and get my music in pure spirit and don’t know what will make profane come and don’t think God will ever give me a profane song.

Question: Your Final words

Answer: I was at the Ghana Music awards this year, I saw whatever went on from the beginning when the nominations came out, I looked through and knew who was going to win because I knew how much work he had put in. I’m going to work hard this time and I know will emerge the highlife artist come next year. One very important thing is we always make a fundamental mistake in recording Highlife music and I think I have set the records straight with my live recordings and with my new composition. I will be the high life artist of the year come 2016

Source: Linda Godji