I wanted to change my look - Anita Erskine

Anita Erskine Look Anita Erskine

Wed, 30 Mar 2016 Source: enterghana.com

TV and radio personality Anita Erskine has taken us down the memory lane today.

In a recent post up on social media, she made an interesting revelation, admitting she had wanted to change her appearance back in 2015, in a very interesting quote you should read below.

“I remember looking into the mirror in November 2015 and deciding I wanted to change my look. ‘I’d like to embrace who I am’. I want to grasp the simple elegance I’ve always hoped to achieve.

So I started smiling more. When people meet me they ask how it is that I manage to laugh and smile all the time. I tell them ‘Life is funny.

It comprises extremely low moments when you’re not sure if you’re going to survive. Then there are those stupendously high moments when you feel untouchable.

But the moment I love is the one in between. When you KNOW there are tough issues for you to handle. While you’re struggling to juggle them, you maintain your composure. And you smile. I call it the Simple Elegance of Life’ #Move”, she wrote.

Source: enterghana.com