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Kalsoume Sinare: My Husband Is A Muslim

Mon, 26 Dec 2011 Source: The Ghanaian Times

Culture as they say is the way of life of a group of people that defines their very existence.

The film industry has been one of the ways through which Africa portrays its culture.

The Ghana’s film industry dates as far back as 1948 when the Gold Coast Film Unit was set up in the Information Services Department.

Since its inception, there have been many “players” who have contributed to the growth of the industry; however, the new crop of artistes in the industry has helped in its development from the days of the black and white pictures.

Notable among them is the bubbling Kalsoume Sinare whose unique antics have won her many admirers among movie lovers.

Passing as one of the movie stars in the country, Kalsoume has not looked back in contributing to the growth of the industry since her emergence on the scene.

With almost two decades of acting, the former beauty pageant has not relented in satisfying her fans with the interpretation of her roles.

With over fifty movies to her credit, Kalsoume Sinare has given more than expected in most of the movies she has starred in, notable among which are, “Her Excellency”, “Queen’s Pride”, “Mission for Justice”, “Forever Young”, “Beyonce”, “Save my soul”, “Tears of Womanhood”, “A little affair” and “Wife material.”

For her commitment and contribution to the industry, the Times Weekend “arrested” her at her father’s house to take us down memory lane on her journey to “stardom”.

This is what she had to say on the direction of the movie industry. “The industry is booming and needs the support of all to take it to the desired destination”.

Below is the full text of the interview.

(Kalsoume welcomes Times Weekend)

Kalsoume: You are welcome.

T.W: Good afternoon. Thank you for the warm reception and for allowing me into your privacy this afternoon.

Kalsoume: You are welcome. Hope you won’t drill me that much. T.W: That would depend on your cooperation.

Kalsoume: (smiles) depend on my cooperation!

T.W: Anyway, you are entitled not to answer questions that are too private.

Kalsoume: Yes madam.

T.W: Are you on set now?

Kalsoume: Yes, I’m busy on set.

T.W: What is the title of the movie?

Kalsoume: I can’t say that now because what we are using now is a working title and might change after the final product is out. T.W: Are you a Ghanaian?

Kalsoume: (laughs) Yes, I am a proud Ghanaian.

T.W: From which part of the country?

Kalsoume: I am a Northerner

T.W: So what have you been up to all this while? Kalsoume: I have been acting.

T.W: I know you have been acting but there was a time you went on break for a while. Did you go on leave?

Kalsoume: Go on leave? No, that wasn’t the case. I went on maternity break to have my last child. That explains my absence off the screen for a while.

T.W: Are you now back for good or we should expect you to go on another maternity leave?

Kalsoume: (laughs) Nope.

T.W: What was the first movie you starred in after your “come back”?

Kalsoume: I starred in “Lost desire” after I returned and featured artistes like Kanayo O. Kanayo and Jackie Appiah. T.W: Was it shot in Nigeria?

Kalsoume: No, it was shot in Kumasi.

T.W: For how long have you been acting?

Kalsoume: For almost twenty years.

T.W: What was the title of the first movie you stared in?

Kalsoume: The first move was “Out of sight” in 1993.

T.W: How did you get into acting?

Kalsoume: I started with theatre drama, I was with Nkrabea Effah Dartey’s Theater Mirrors and would forever be grateful to him for that opportunity. Since that time, I have not looked back and it has been a wonderful experience.

T.W: Have you done any Ghana – Nigeria collaborations? Kalsoume: I have done a couple of them but they are not that many.

T.W: With such an experience, what would you say is the difference between the movies shot in Ghana and Nigeria?

Kalsoume: They is not much difference. The only thing is that they (Migeria) understand the business aspect of it. That is not to say that, we are not businesslike. We are, but in Nigeria, they can shoot about five movies in a day so when you get a role, you should know what you are about because they won’t tolerate you to waste their time if I may say, so.

T.W: What of the money aspect? Is it the same?

Kalsoume: I don’t like to talk much about the money, but the only major thing is that you may get paid in dollars when you work in Nigeria and that makes the fee slightly higher but trust me, they have also been coming here for collaborations so it tells you how much our industry has shot up.

T.W: I want to get personal, hope you don’t mind? Kalsoume: If it doesn’t get so personal. T.W: How many siblings do you have?

Kalsoume: we are nine, six girls and three boys. No (laughs) we are now six strong ladies and three strong men and I am the oldest.

T.W: We always see you on screens acting different roles so we don’t really know you personally. Who is Kalsoume Sinare in person when she is not on screen?

Kalsoume: Kalsoume Sinare is a married woman and has three children, two boys and a lovely girl. My husband is an ex-Footballer called Tony Baffoe: I am talking about my family now. He is called Tony Baffoe and now is a Poma Consultant and also into sports management and sports consultancy, I am a very soft person but many people do not know that because of the roles I play in the movies, but naturally, I am easy – going.

T.W: Does your husband complain about the roles you play sometimes?

Kalsoume: (laughs) not at all, he has been very supportive. Besides, when he met me, I was acting and he also understands the show business very well so he is least bothered by that. He trusts me and knows that I will not do anything “naughty” on set. Sometimes he calls to find out how I am faring when I’m set but not to spy on me.

T.W: As a mother, who has such a demanding career, how do you combine all these daunting tasks?

Kalsoume: My dear, it’s not been easy at all. Yes, I have a nanny who takes care of my children but I don’t really like the idea of my last daughter being always with a nanny. You know, girls are vulnerable and bringing them up is not that easy so I try as much as possible to be with her most of the time. Sometimes even when you are on set, you are thinking of what your children would eat, if they are back from school, their total well-being; it is not easy but with Allah we are sailing through. He has been our inspiration.

T.W: What has been the most challenging role you have played so far?

Kalsoume: I don’t really have any challenging role but I have some favourites like “Her Excellency” and “Queen’s Pride.” T.W: Why those movies?

Kalsoume: In Her Excellency, I played a role of a Vice President who was trying to get what rightly belongs to her and that was a very challenging role, I really enjoyed every bit of it because I tasted power for a while and loved that experience because in real life, I wouldn’t have such power to command people around. Oh! I love that and the Queen’s Pride too, I played the role of a Queen and was dressed in very expensive ornaments, commanding people to abide by my wishes. I had a lot of friends and relatives calling to congratulate me on the good delivery of that role. May be I enjoyed them because I had the power but now, I don’t have it and that is movie for you.

T.W: So which actors and actresses do you feel comfortable on set with?

Kalsoume: Everybody, I feel comfortable with the upcoming artistes. I think they need to be encouraged because the first time I was on set with the likes of Fred Amugi, Grace Nortey, Maame Dokono, they made me feel very comfortable, so why shouldn’t I do the same for others? I can’t discriminate; maybe, today, she might be an upcoming artiste but tomorrow, she would be one of the best, so, I think they need our support and encouragement.

T.W: Do you sometimes feel bad about some of the roles you play?

Kalsoume: Not at all. It is first acting and we serve as a mirror to the society. We educate the society and so have to interpret the role to the understanding of those watching. What is important is that you have a clean heart and a good conscience. I don’t think we are doing anything bad because recently, I shot a house movie and we paid a courtesy call on the Chief Imam who gave us his blessings. I am not sure that if we were doing something that doesn’t help in shaping and developing our society, the Imam will bless us.

T.W: Have you produced movies of your own?

Kalsoume: Yes, I produced “Calamity” and “trotro” but that never came out due to some challenges.

T.W: I hear you were a winner of a beauty pageant and a model. How true is that?

Mr. Tony Abdul Hafiz Baffoe & wife kalsoume Kalsoume: Yes, I started my career as a model and I was the second runner-up at Miss Ghana 1989 and represented Ghana at Miss Model world where I won the prestigious “Miss Model of Africa” crown. I also won Miss 2nd Image and peacock. I was the brand face for many products and shot a lot of commercials. I was the face of Benjilo.

T.W: Then you really enjoyed your days in your days?

Kalsoume: Eh! I am still young Oo. Why do I look old?

T.W: Not at all. How many awards have you won so far? Kalsoume: I won the ZAFAA awards this year.

T.W: Is acting in Ghana financially rewarding?

Kalsoume: I don’t want to talk about this but all that I can say is that for what we eat, where to put our head and the peace of mind, we get it and that is important.

T.W: Do you have plans of setting up a modeling agency in future? Kalsoume: I have not thought about that but maybe, in the future. What is most important is good health and life.

T.W: Is your husband a Muslim too?

Kalsoume: Yes, he is called Tony Abdul Hafiz Baffoe and many people know him as a Muslim.

T.W: Do you remember “Babina”.

Kalsoume: Yes, (laughs) I should have done something really interesting for people to still remember me as Babina.

T.W: What do you have for your fans before I exit today?

Kalsoume: I just want them to know that I like them all and would like them to keep watching and patronizing our movies because without them, we are nobody: They should also be good and have a clear conscience with a good heart. Allah bless us all.

T.W: Amen. Thanks for your time.

Kalsoume: You are very much welcome.

Source: The Ghanaian Times