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Kaywa argues pastors ‘show the way but cannot be examples’ to follow

Kaywa Yellow Kaywa

Wed, 19 Jul 2023 Source: classfmonline.com

Church leaders are flawed and so cannot be examples to follow, Kaywa has said.

He added that the person worth emulating is the founder of the Christian faith, the Jew called Jesus Christ.

The Highly Spiritual Music company founder and leader is also a pastor.

He spoke to Nana Romeo on Ayekoo Ayekoo on Accra 100.5 FM, Tuesday, July 18, 2023.

"God doesn't use perfection," Kaywa said. "He only perfects the called. He calls you and perfects you – in the process, he perfects you."

"This is what leaves people disappointed when they find it out,” he said, explaining: “They think when you become a pastor, you are without flaws or sin, you don't have problems and when you paint that narrative for a long time and people find out you have a particular problem, they get so surprised because they have put their trust in you to be an example.”

“But I always say, yes, we’ll show you the way but we cannot be examples,” he asserted, stating: “The real example is Jesus Christ.”

“If I point you to me and not to Christ, flee from me,” he cautioned. “It is always Jesus!”

“Even at this stage, even at this point that we’re doing God’s work, we commit errors, we make mistakes, there’s no human being on earth who doesn’t go through that stage of mistakes,” he noted, exhorting also: “I’d say it’s only by grace but God is bringing you to a place of perfection and it’s not a day’s work.”

Born David Kojo Kyei, he indicated the period it takes to overcome a weakness, varies from person to person.

He cited a pastor whose weakness is he cannot function without taking a certain substance – he did not name the substance nor the pastor but said “it happened in America”.

Showing hesitation, he cited Blakk Rasta's conversion to Christianity, indicating that it happened through him.

He said it was tedious to accomplish because of Blakk Rasta's wise counterarguments.

Finally, when it happened, another hurdle was getting him to appreciate that even top Christian leaders are flawed as the ordinary person is.

Kaywa said, in those days, he highlighted to Blakk Rasta who is a media star and now an ordained pastor that it is okay to correct but not right to condemn people.

Source: classfmonline.com