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Klutse Wins Diageo’s Best Reporting Award

Mon, 5 Jul 2010 Source: Daily Guide

FELIX DELA Klutse of the DAILY GUIDE beat journalists from publications across the continent and international outfits like Reuters, the BBC and the Economist to collect the best business news award at the Diageo Africa Business Reporting Awards held in London Thursday.

His piece titled: “China Takes African Market by Storm,” emerged the overall winning piece making him the first-ever Ghanaian winner.

Diageo is the world’s leading premium drinks company with an outstanding collection of beverage alcohol brands including spirits, wines, and beer categories.

Its brands include Johnnie Walker, Guinness, Smirnoff, J&B, Baileys, Cuervo, Tanqueray, Captain Morgan, Crown Royal, Beaulieu Vineyard and Sterling Vineyards wines.

It also trades in more than 180 countries around the world and listed on both the New York Stock Exchange (DEO) and the London Stock Exchange (DGE).

In its 7th year, the awards are a celebration of journalists and news organisations which have gone the extra mile to promote the African continent.

This year, a record 770 entries were received, demonstrating increased reporting and competition in the awards.

Winners from the eleven categories came from nine different countries, including winner of Media of the Year, which went to Business Day in Nigeria. Peter Guest, editor of This is Africa, was named as Journalist of the Year and the Best Newcomer title was awarded to South African Gemma Ware, writing for The Africa Report.

Paul Walsh, Chief Executive Officer of Diageo Plc. and chair of the judging panel, said

‘Very few consumer companies have the footprint, the leadership, the brands and the talent that Diageo has in Africa.

We recognise that for Africa to develop, and for companies like Diageo to grow, we must do business sustainably. For us, that means being a responsible business that aids broader socio-economic development.

We all have a role in ensuring that happens, including the media. It is for that reason that I continue to value and support the Diageo Africa Business Reporting Awards.’

Obiageli Ezekwesili, Vice President, Africa Region at the World Bank Group commented: ‘It is obvious that the media in Africa--as much as international press-- needs to be part of changing perceptions about the continent.

The days of Africa being seen as a place where potential is yet to be realized, or just simply as a destination for aid, must be put behind us.

The reality today is that Africa is a viable business destination with a large and mainly untapped market, offering excellent investment returns and diverse opportunities for business. That's the untold story of Africa, and the media has an obligation to bring it to wide(r) audiences.'

Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for International Development Stephen O’Brien said: “Too often, the only reports we see and hear of Africa here in the UK are of bad news.

Yet Africa’s rich culture and vibrant, growing economy is a good news story for those willing to look beyond the headlines.

These awards are a great opportunity to celebrate the work of those journalists who scratch below the surface and show Africa for how it really is today - a continent that is looking to the future and open for business.”

Presenting the awards, Nick Blazquez, Managing Director of Diageo Africa, said “Across Africa, we are seeing an increase in the public’s appetite for business news and information, and an associated investment in business reporting by media outlets.

The quality and quantity of entries this year has been extremely encouraging and we look forward to ongoing growth and strength in the business media across Africa. I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed to these awards and offer my congratulations to all of this year’s winners.”

Source: Daily Guide