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Kumchacha shares his views on LGBTQI

Prophet Kumchacha.jpeg?fit=1080%2C570&ssl=1 Prophet Kumchacha

Sat, 20 Mar 2021 Source: zionfelix.net

Prophet Kumchacha has finally shared his two cents about the ongoing argument on LGBTQI in Ghana.

In an interview with Rev Nyansa Boakwa on Happy 98.9 FM’s NsemPii he said, “I totally disagree with it. It is a bad practice which should not be accepted”.

He stated that the act is against the word of God and he cannot seem to understand why people are willing and ready to fight for something like that.

“From the book of Genesis down to Revelation, it has never been heard that anything of that sort happened. And as God’s people, we should live according to His word so I totally disapprove of it”.

He furthered that if we continue to agree on certain issues because of Human Rights, we will end up accepting acts that will destroy us.

“We have armed robbers and rapists in the country who also have rights. They can also come at us with their weapons all in the name of human rights and we will not be able to stop them”.

He went on to say, “the Bible has also mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:1 that, we have the right to all things but advised against us involving ourselves in all things”.

He believes that God did not make a mistake when he paired man and woman. “With this in mind, we should not make a mistake in changing God’s creation”.

Kumchaha advised that, we critically analyze this situation before making a decision.

Source: zionfelix.net