Lesbians Storm College

Tue, 15 Aug 2006 Source: The Vanguard

…Banana, Other Exotic Objects Used
Horrible, strange and sad information reaching the Vanguard indicates that the only female training college that serves the Kumasi Metropolis and one of the leading training colleges in the country, St. Louis is currently engulfed by lesbianism cases among some female students.

According to the sources, this practice has been in the school for years but the students have failed to report to the school authorities for action to be taken. The report says two final year female students (names withheld) have virtually become husband and wife ever since they were admitted in the first year till now.

According to the report during their ten months in-service training programme which started last year October, the two were posted to the same town and they continued with their unusual relationship. The report further hinted that when they reported back to the school, the situation worsened and it became the subject of comment in the school.

According to the report, this caught the attention of other colleagues who threatened to report the matter to the school authorities but upon profuse apologies by the offending duo the matter was shelved.

Meanwhile, latest information gathered by the Vanguard shows that one of the lecturers of the school was last week seen secretly interacting with the two offending female students and it is believed to be a warning to them about the alarming news which has become a subject of comment on and off the school campus.

Meanwhile in a follow up interview with the head teacher of the school she refused to confirm or deny the story saying it had not been brought to her notice.

Source: The Vanguard