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Let’s talk bread and butter issues; not who’s best rapper – Obrafour

Obrafour Photo Obrafour

Fri, 23 Aug 2019 Source: ghanaweekend.com

Obrafour seems not enthused about the recent lists of best rappers in Ghana.

Even though he says he feels honoured by the mentions he has received in the various lists, he said that was not the most important thing the music industry should waste time on.

He addressed the issue in an interview with Zion Felix on ‘Uncut’ and said people are allowed to have their opinions and that should not create rivalries.

‘I believe every human has their opinion and are allowed to speak it. For me, I am happy my name can be mentioned amongst rappers in this country. It is to the glory of God because the talent he has given me has not gone to waste. But for someone to think Obrafuor is the best is just the mindset of the individual. Someone else can also think I don’t even deserve to be in the top 50”, he said.

He, however, assets there are far more important things to discuss than to be going forth and back on someone’s opinion of the top best.

“The more important issues that we should be discussing, bread and butter issues are there to be discussed, happenings in life that we can discuss which will be beneficial. So if Obrafuor is at the number one spot that is not the keys to heaven. If you’re the best rapper, do you get the keys to heaven?” he quizzed.

That is not necessary but it does not mean that if someone expresses his opinion, people should rain insults on him. It’s his opinion so express yours too. What matters, however, is that God has gifted us with talents. Every individual has their speciality, every individual has their strength, every individual has their style of writing songs. So if I’m number one, another person is someone else’s number one,” he continued.

He said instead of seeing this as a contest and creating rivalries, musicians should rather unite and praise God for the talent given to them.

“The most important thing is we unite, this is not a contest, it is a gift God has given. SO we should rather give thanks to God. Let us glorify God instead than see ourselves as rivals. I have said I don’t want to do something with my own strength and it is not from God,” he said.

When asked if he is soon to be seen on the pulpit preaching the word of God since he was sounding as if he was preaching, he replied, “I am in the church, my belief is the SDA and the core mandate is to go out there teaching and speaking about the good news of Jesus before his coming. So I am just following the doctrines of the church I worship with. I have never said to myself I want to be a pastor or form my own church. No. But if God should place it in my heart and say it in my ears to be a pastor, then I am ready to serve Him,” he concluded.

Source: ghanaweekend.com