Lifestyle: 5 romantic ways to propose to your lady

Pro Posal 2 This is how a Ghanaian entrepreneur proposed to daughter of Pastor Chris

Wed, 10 Jan 2018 Source:

With the rising popularity of white weddings in the country, they way we used to contract marriages has is undergoing serious changes.

Gone are the days when parents [families] would arrange marriages between the young even without consulting them.

Now, many a young man or woman, moves about in town, meets a partner of their choice, form a relationship before they subsequently tell their families if they want to go ahead and live their lives together.

With this arrangement, the guy, as it is usually the case in Ghana, would have to seek the consent of the lady to marry her before starting to make any official moves.

This is what we call 'proposal' and not the people who try that get successful or are able to make it a memorable one. To help Ghanaian gentlemen in this, has put together this guide of how to make a romantic proposal which will definitely get your lady nodding in excitement.

1. Surprise party : You could choose an occassion like her birthday to plan a surprise party.

Let her get to the venue early to ruin the surprise while you hit her with the real surprise of proposing to her with family and friends on standby to celebrate.

You know ladies love surprises and this would definitely make her feel good and the two of you will remember it for the rest of your lives.

2. Take her on a vacation : Plan a getaway with your partner and take advantage of the seclusion to make your marriage intentions known.

Possible destinations in Ghana include Ada, Akosombo, Mole, among others or even a nice hotel in town where you can have time for yourselves. This will come with a bit of spending but if you don't have the resources, you can always take her to the beach and even write your proposal in the sand. Wouldn't that be romantic?

3. Perform a stunt : You can have friends help you to perform a stunt after which you'll propose to her. There have been instances of guys faking police arrest, faking to be dead, among others as they try to surprise their ladies with their proposals.

You can emulate any of the known ones or even go ahead to plan a whole new one on your own.

One thing you should consider is how your partner will respond after finding out whatever you did was a stunt. But for those who have the temperament for it, it will surely be a thrilling experience and she will love you more.

4. Home based : Invite your lady over to the house to propose to her. Here, it will be best if you are good cook as a good meal from you will go a long way to make your proposal more romantic. But if you are no cook like myself, you could always hire 'a lawyer' because good food is very necessary here.

Remember, you can't propose on empty stomach.

5. Dinner date : This will be about the most common way to propose and it still works. Find the romantic restaurant within your budget and get a table set for the occasion.

You could even arrange for some cool music to be played to complement the atmosphere and with such a proposal, you definitely know the venue of your wedding anniversary.

NB: Guys must know that these suggestions may work differently for different types of people and it is up to them to study their partners, consider their pockets, among other factors before deciding which one to go by. Not all ladies like to be in the spotlight and may feel uncomfortable if the proposal becomes to public.
