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Lifestyle: How to turn a first date into success: 4 important rules

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Tue, 7 Nov 2017 Source: therawafrica.com

Each of us has been through such a difficult and dangerous test as a first date, and we are all aware of the failures we may come across. It doesn’t matter how well you prepare and what first impression you make, something can still go wrong.

Usually, there are three ways out of this situation. The first one is to take a deep breath and accept the mistakes you made. The second one is to get mad and blame your companion. And the third one is to analyze what happened, spot mistakes, and try not to repeat them next time. But to do it, you need to know which actions are right and which are not. Not everyone knows what to do on the first date, acting stereotypically or, which even worse, instinctively. So, how do you turn the first date into success?

1) It’s all about behavior and communication

It’s these two aspects that show how “durable,” “comfortable,” and “practical” you are. Imagine yourself a candy. Let the girl appreciate you visually and make her like your bright candy wrapper. Then you need to prove yourself tasty, and your communication skills and behavior are your taste.

*Respect her as a person

Treat your companion as a person, and not as an object of sexual desire. Especially, this rule concerns Eastern European girls for dating. Compliment less on her appearance and more on her personal qualities. Keep the distance. Don’t invade her intimate space. There’s no place for hugs (and especially kisses) on the first date.

*Don’t talk only about yourself

Even if your companion is shy and modest, this doesn’t mean that you should be the only one who speaks. Ask her a couple of questions and try to be interested in her. Some guys can’t stop talking about themselves. The girl might think that you’re a narcissist and braggart.

*Find a common language

Find a topic both of you are interested in and develop it. Can’t find one? Try harder! But don’t ask what she would like to talk about. It’s a sign of self-doubt. Don’t make long pauses. Try to keep the conversation going. Tell more jokes. Make the girl smile and laugh. Don’t let her get bored.

2) Don’t make any hasty conclusions

If she agreed to go out with you, this doesn’t mean that she liked you. Well, she did, but potentially! It’s like trying on a dress in a clothing store: girls usually like a lot of dresses but choose the one they like most. But apart from looking great, the dress should also be durable, comfortable, practical, pleasant to the touch, etc. Keep in mind that the criteria for choosing a partner (even for a one-night stand) are obviously stricter than ones for choosing a dress.

3) Show that you’re a worthy candidate

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you must come on a date in a tuxedo. In any case, if your companion doesn’t prefer the informal style of clothes, don’t put on a XXL-sized T-shirt and torn jeans. Dress neutrally, but stylishly. And be sure to check if your shoes are clean. Greet the girl with a smile.

4) Be attentive

Women often send men hidden signals. Some signals are inviting, others, on the contrary, are repelling. It’s crucial to learn how to recognize these signals. For example, a girl starts putting on lipstick, bares her neck or shoulders, or plays with her hair – all these are “inviting” hidden signals. But you shouldn’t take every gesture and movement literally. First, analyze the situation carefully. If you recognize the inviting signal correctly, your date will appreciate it, and her admiration will boost your confidence.

But the girl may as well make it clear that you’re going in the wrong direction. For example, if she’s not talking to you, chatting with someone on Facebook, peeks at her watch, and yawns – it’s a sign that you need to change the course of your date.

Source: therawafrica.com